Top 5 Royal Rumbles (matches, not whole PPVs)

Apr 02, 2005 18:13

Getting in one more WWE Top 5 before Wrestlemania in T-minus 1 hour. GO BATISTA!!! (wishful thinking)

5) Royal Rumble 2000 - Rather predictable here, everyone knew it would either be Big Show or Rock, and it was pretty much an 80/20 rate for Rock. The good thing is, they played that way so the fans could get even more excited since Rock was CRAZY over at this point. Lots of filler though, but no worse than the previous Rumbles (like 96 and 97...)

4) Royal Rumble 2003 - Whereas most rumbles make good storylines, this was had awesome action to it and a decent storyline, but still a great Rumble. Everyone knew Lesnar would win, but they at least tried to make us believe Jericho would make it. Once he was eliminated, it kind of put a downer on it though. Still a cool Rumble.

3) Royal Rumble 2005 - I've been watching this one a lot recently. Like 2004 it was a rather unpredictable Rumble, although many people thought it would be either Cena or Batista. I personally was hoping for Eddie, but oh well. The final four was a mark out for me too, Edge, Misterio, Cena, and Batista, four new guys being pushed to the top. I'm hoping Dave can win WM, and it would make sense since HHH is obsessed with winning/losing the belt, so I'll take what I can get.

2) Royal Rumble 1992 - This Rumble set the precedent for a perfect Royal Rumble. Everyone thought Hogan would win again, but no no no no Flair deservingly won this one, and not only that but the fans BOOED Hogan at the end! BOOYAH! The pacing was really slow, so there's times when I have to fast forward, but the storyline is awesome.

1) Royal Rumble 2004 - Not only was the storyline behind this Rumble fantastic, but it was very unique in the fact that nobody involved in it had one a Royal Rumble, plus it wasn't predictable. There was Benoit, Angle, and Goldberg as heavily pushed stars, plus the fan favorites like Cena, Jericho, Van Dam, and the upper midcarders like Kane, Booker T, Orton, and it was pretty hard to predict the winner with 2 championships being at stake and an equal emphasis on the contenders. Benoit winning was, hate to use the cliche, a dream come true and it only got better for him in the next few months.

wrestling, lists, the_rock

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