update/plea for happy things

Apr 12, 2011 11:06

So I am having a really shitty day.

Apparently new h50 episodes always are followed by shitty days/weeks.

Long story short:
Went to endocrinologist
Endocrin. Decided my pancreas is probably no longer producing insulin.
Put me on what was supposed to be a 10 day regimen of maxxed out meds to see if I was in fact still producing insulin.
The doubling of my metformin made me ridiculously ill.
Took me off it for the weekend to recover.
Had me call in my blood sugars & decided I am not responding to the treatment so therefore I will be going on insulin.

There are several. flaws to this situation that will be discussed on wednesday but this was all inevitable.

So needless to say I am a wreck and could totally deal with some cheering up.

So throw it at me, lolzy gifs, pics full of hotness, cute things, whatever.
Need to not be thinking.

On bright side, dad is coming home sometime to "talk to me" which is great coz I really need a real hug. Even if my dad is all bony & skinny and not a great hugger.

personal, update, fuck you with a rusty spoon you defectiv

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