Sep 26, 2006 06:45
Ah, the sweet narcotic that is insomnia. What drug can compare with thee?
The side effects are mild. The unblinking stare and staggering gait are hardly noticeable. Besides, at 5am the only witnesses to your addiction are fellow insomniacs.
Look out the window, and see the scattered flicking cathode rays of your fellow addicts. What other drug has this sense of community? Your neighbor could snort coke by the barrel, and you would never know. But after a single hit of insomnia, you hear his restless pacing and petulant channel surfing, and he hears yours.
Insomnia is the best drug with which to watch bad television… and bad television is the only television at 5am.
Hour long infomercials about mops become strangely compelling. You suddenly believe that you can make a thousand dollars a week in your spare time.
Late night cable access porn becomes tolerable. Even the “Sizzling She-Males” and rubber skinned whores with 80s hair no longer seem quite so repulsive. By 6am, even the Fox News commentators seem vaguely believable.