Aug 27, 2009 17:09
for a post-Bicon meetup, and I suspect, I'll be collecting a number of the Bicon badges for my little project of scanning as many as I can find (at least from this year, but also from previous events) for a bit of a gallery.
Over the weekend I'll assemble, and write what I hope would be the big follow-up - look out for that, as it will hav many wonderful links to how you can catch up with your new Bicon friends over the next year - and (not including Oxford tonight) as soon as the London Poly meetup on Tuesday 1st September - as well as a couple of other events on the same night! There are also likely to be a number of people at both Cardiff & Manchester Prides this weekend.
For those local to Oxford, I'll see you tonight and don't forget your badges! (even better - pictures uploaded of your badges).