Val and I happened to sync up in our watching of City Hunter for an episode and we were SO ENTHRALLED by this one scene that we decided to do a challenge! Twenty caps! Our one and only rule! Okay, getting this one scene down to only twenty caps almost killed me so take that as a recommendation. :DD
THE FOCAL POINT OF THIS SCENE: KIM NA NA'S LOVELY LEGS. This image will be forever enshrined in my heart. Kim Na Na cooking in his kitchen without pants. In just his white dress shirt. Seriously, when we first saw Yoon Sung's shocked face and then cut over to these legs, we both thought this was all a fantasy on his part. I mean, he's self-medicating with heavy painkillers at this point and even if he wasn't, I would not be surprised that he'd fantasize about this.
YOON SUNG ALSO CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S NOT HALLUCINATING. I think his heart just skipped, like, seven beats. ♥
(Also POOR BB, he looks like he's about to keel over. :( :( )
At this point, I think I may have say aloud "You've got to be kidding me!! as;kdfjaklfdjg". She is, with total disregard to her lack of clothes, jumping in an attempt to get some bowls down for them. You cannot reveal more leg than this. DYING.
*consumed by lust for the rest of the evening*
And of course, the logical thing is for Yoon Sung to come grab the bowls as he's like three feet taller than her. (Nine inches, yes, I looked it up.) AND THEN THEY FALL INTO FEELINGS. aksdjfkalafgl
I... have no shame. asf;kakajs;;gjkl Man, I know they've been living together, but they have now progressed to the point of her wearing only boyshort-y underwear and his white dress shirt in front of him. I think this should be a quintessential kdrama landmark, like the new piggyback ride. Wearing his white dress shirt. I will never get over this fantasy.
I would ALSO like to point out that Yoon Sung is wearing perfectly serviceable (leopard print) pajama pants. And he is the one who handed Na Na a change of clothes. That did not include pants. Dude, shouldn't you be a little subtler here... NOT THAT WE WOULD IN ANY UNIVERSE COME NEAR COMPLAINING. :D :D (I'm sure it was actually the searing pain distracting him from pants. XD)
OH WAIT, IT GETS LESS SUBTLE. Ahaha, the two glasses of wine already out on the table!! I guess I cannot say his plan is way too obvious when it worked?? :D It's a good thing that Kim Na Na has secretly wanted an opportunity to not wear pants and get a little tipsy with you. ♥
MY HEART. Okay, this is just straight up fanfic now. Tenderly gazing at her and covering her gently with a blanket? Is there a fluff trope I love more? :DD
So he brushes the hair off her face and indulges in some totally smitten gazing at her sleeping face, keeping a hand on her back. Aughhhhhhhhhh~
I LOVE THIS. I love that he gets up, obviously thinking "Okay, this is enough. This is a bad idea. I should stop now." and then... can't... take another step.
Nope, just can't help himself. Back at her side like a magnet.
Sighhhhhh, sliding his thumb across her eyebrow! I think this kills me even more than brushing the hair off her forehead because it is just so intimate and adoring. ♥♥
Okay, he knew from when he sat down again that there was no stopping this time. He leans in so slowly and so close.
eeeeeeeeeeeee!! YES. I'm so glad that this turned into not just a moment about him and his pining but about the both of them.
I CANNOT. The look that is hovering between them and he is so, so close to her face and I'm dying.
askja;lfkgj;kldfgkj This silent "I want to kiss you" conversation they are having. Sighhhhhhhh~
AND THEN, AND THEN KIM NA NA CLOSES HER EYES AND WILLS THIS MOMENT TO CONTINUE. And is just as white-knuckled about it as we are! I looooove that in the few seconds they have been staring at each other, her brain has quickly decided "If you can't see him, then you can't be responsible for stopping him! Close your eyes! Kissing Yoon Sung would totally be okay then!!" I mean, I think this is something she has thought about before but I don't think she would have been has accepting if they weren't removed from their usual routine and now both feeling a little bit like this is a dream.
akljfl;kflglkfgfkdf EVEN BETTER NOW THAT KIM NA NA IS JUST WAITING TO GET KISSED. So cloooooseeeeee...
And then of course his father has to rain on their parade and call him RIGHT THEN. (Things he opposes: #1 Mercy. #2 His stolen son getting a girlfriend. SO.)
AUGH AUGH YES. Kim Na Na opens her eyes and looks at him again when he's barely started pulling away from her.
This final touch just kills me! After the whole phonecall, he just barely turns back towards her and tells her to go back to sleep. Acknowledging that yes, they were both awake and yes, they were totally having a moment where there was going to be kissing. But sadly (for both of them, as Kim Na Na's responding look shows) the spell has been broken!
Val's post can be found
here! There are striking similarities despite the fact that we each worked in secrecy but hey, we are friends who watched this together. ♥♥