Author: TopazAngel
Title: The Last Time
Rating: PG13. Nothing worse than you’d see on the show.
Word count: 826
Fandom: Angel
Genre: Angst
Pairing: Cordelia/Lindsey (implied C/A)
Spoilers: Season 5. Pretty much all of it.
Teaser: Sort of an alternate ending to You’re Welcome. Starting before the big Angel-Lindsey show down.
Distribution: My upcoming C/L site,, anyone else, just let me know where its going.
Feedback: I need it.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Joss'.
Dedication: Tonnie. My C/L Partner-In-Crime
Other Notes: This literally came out of nowhere. And its unbetaed.
“No,” Lindsey McDonald looked back at the brunette with a smirk, “Hang out.”
Angel stared for a moment as the door slammed, locking the three of them in the room together.
“Shut it down!” Angel yelled back at her.
“Say please,” Lindsey looked at him, still with a smart-ass grin on his face.
He glanced back at Cordelia, whom he hoped would get the picture.
“Yeah Angel. Say please,” she said, moving over to Lindsey.
Angel looked on in shock. He tried to convince himself he had heard wrong. Or that this was some cruel joke.
“Angel, you look like you’ve seen a ghost, something wrong?” Cordelia said, wrapping an arm around Lindsey.
“Cordelia? What’s going on here?”
“I don’t think he understands. Maybe we should show him?” Lindsey looked at her, smiling almost wickedly.
“My pleasure,” she pulled him close to her, kissing him deeply.
Angel watched. His heart breaking. This was Cordy. His Cordy. And she was kissing him. She was part of this. This game. This trick. This whatever it was.
She wasn’t Cordelia. She couldn’t be. Angel wouldn’t believe it. Cordelia was good. She was true. A champion.
Cordelia and Lindsey broke apart.
“He looks like he lost a puppy,” Cordelia smirked, “What’s wrong Angel? Or wait, let me guess, thinking about how I couldn’t be Cordelia? How I’m so good and pure,” she paused for a second, “Hate to tell you Angel, but you’re wrong. I am Cordelia. You’re Cordelia. Only I’m not yours anymore.”
“Cordelia? What is going on here?” There was a softness in Angel’s voice. He wanted to get through to her. For her to know that she was doing the wrong thing.
“I think you know Angel,” she responded.
“But how? Why?”
“Deal with it Angel,“ there was a slight shift in her voice, “You really think this wasn’t all mapped out? From the second you signed on the dotted line. You didn’t just sign yourself over.”
“But you were in a coma,” Angel was utterly confused. None of this made sense. None of it.
“The senior partners have their ways,” Lindsey said.
“Do you even know what you are dealing with Angel? What you’ve gotten yourself into? What you’ve gotten them into? This isn’t about the powers that be, and being humanities champion anymore. Its about what they,” she pointed up, “want. The senior partners, and they offered me more than you could ever imagine.”
“And what did they give you that I couldn’t?”
“A life,” she said coldly, “Lindsey, I’m getting bored. We should get this over with.”
Lindsey nodded, smirking slightly, “Anything for you babe,” he walked over to Angel, and punched him swiftly in the jaw.
Angel fell, partly because he wasn’t in the mindset to fight. His mind was on Cordelia, and what he had done to cause this change in her. Why she had woken up like this. With Lindsey. Fooling him. Fooling all of them. He knew it. This wasn’t Cordelia. She wouldn’t do anything for the senior partners. She wasn’t like that.
No matter what they had offered her.
Lindsey kicked him in the side. Again. And again. Before Angel could get up, she was standing over him, looking at him. The softness in her eyes was gone. Instead it was dark. Cold. But it was her.
“What happened to you Angel? The vampire I knew would fight back,” she smirked slightly at him.
“Cordy, you don’t want this.”
“Oh, I think I do.”
Lindsey kicked him once more. Cordelia looked at him, smiling, and pulled a stake, seemingly from out of nowhere.
“Would you like to do the honors?” She asked him.
“Oh, nothing would give me more joy,” he took the stake from her hand, and kneeled down, “it almost hurts to do this,” he paused, “or not,” he plunged the stake into Angel’s chest, and the vampire turned to dust.
He stood.
Lindsey placed his arm around Cordelia’s waist.
The senior partners had gotten what they wanted. Angel gone. They had, at first thought offering him everything he had ever wanted would do the trick. It turned out, only Angel couldn’t be swayed by everything Wolfram and Hart had to offer.
So they went to her. In her dreams. In visions. Whatever you want to say. Explained what had happened. What had to be done.
And the senior partners had arranged for her to meet Lindsey secretly, through astral projection. Eve was a pawn. A decoy. And they planned.
And she woke up. And fooled them all. And got the senior partners what they had wanted.
“You know what this means?” he asked.
“You and I are out of Wolfram and Hart for good. Both of us,” she replied, with a slight smile.
“For good.”
“So what to you want to do now?” she asked.
“Go anywhere that isn’t LA,” he said, leading her out of the basement, and Wolfram and Hart.
For the last time.