Untitled C/G 2/?

Nov 15, 2003 23:29

We got a little Evil Will/Xand in this one!

Author: TopazAngel
Title: Untitled at the moment
Rating: PG-13 is what I'm saying now, but Rachie keeps whispering C/G porn in my ear so...
Teaser: Set as if the Wishverse were the *real* verse. That’s really all you need at the moment.
Spoilers: None.
Feedback: Please
Distribution: My site, anyone else who may want it, just let me know.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Notes: No shippiness yet. Maybe some hints.

Cordelia stepped into the senior home room class the next morning prepared for the ridicule she knew she was going to receive. She would never understand why the people she called friends cared so much more about social status than being alive, especially in a place where there weren’t enough people for social status to matter.

She often wondered why she was even friends with them. The bigger part of her always knew they weren’t worth the credit she had always given them. She had always assumed that eventually, like her, they would grow out of their selfish, uncaring personas. But they didn’t.

And when they didn’t, she had to just go on, pretending not to care either. So when the vampires rose, and everyone it town started dying off or being turning, Cordelia just sat back and watched with the rest of the “in-crowd,” never telling them that she thought they should help out. She knew there was no way they would take her seriously. They would just laugh and shrug her off, saying that she needed to get a priority check.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Mrs. Librarian,” Harmony taunted as Cordelia took the open seat next to her.

“Funny Harmony,” Cordelia retorted dryly, not really wanting to waste breath on a comeback.

“All I’m saying is I don’t know why in the world you would risk your social life like that,” she stated.

“I told you Harmony, it was better than the alternative, which was death. Now can we please, please drop it?”

“Geez, sorry, I was just teasing,” she shot a sideways glance to the girl on the other side of her, whispering, “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.”

“I heard that,” Cordelia rolled her eyes, focusing on the teacher.

Through out the class she heard laughter and whispering from her so-called friends. It didn’t seem worth it to her to be friends with these people just because her parents and their parents were in the same social class.

She was ready to give up, but this wasn’t the first time she had that thought, and more than likely it wouldn’t be the last time. Because in the end, she needed them. Not because they were there for her, or because they helped her through tough times. But because for some reason, she felt like she wasn’t important when they weren’t around. She felt lonely. And she hated that feeling more than she hated anything.

“Hey Cordy! Wake up!” Harmony snapped her fingers, waving her hand in front of the other girl’s face, “What the hell is wrong with you Cordy?”

Cordelia shook her head, “What? Sorry, I was just…”

“Daydreaming about the librarian?” Harmony said, laughing as she walked out of the classroom, the small group of Cordettes that were left in tow.

Cordelia rolled her eyes as she gathered up her things. She didn’t want to deal with this right now. She didn’t want to deal with it at all. She was ready to give up her so called “social status.”

With the state that Sunnydale was in, it just didn’t seem as important as it used to. In fact, it didn’t seem important at all. None of it. The friends. The popularity. The clothes. It meant nothing when the simple fact was that so many people were already dead, and things weren’t getting any better.


Cordelia walked through the heavy swinging doors that opened to library. Larry, Oz, and Nancy all looked at her in shock. Of course, it wasn’t the first time they had seen her in there. She had come in to ask for a favor just yesterday. But they had never seen her come into the library on a perfectly clear day. Not when she didn’t need something. And she had certainly never looked like this.

Her confidence seemed lacking. She didn’t seem as perky, or annoying. She looked worried. Sad. Almost scared. In all the years they had been in school together, none of the other students had seen her like this. If she ever showed this side, it wasn’t publicly.

“Umm, hi,” she said meekly.

“Cordelia. What do you want?” Larry asked, not quite as sarcastic as he had been yesterday, but defiantly shocked.
“I, umm, well actually, I was kind of wondering if you…Needed any help?”

“What?” Nancy let out a laugh, “You, want to help us? Fight vampires? You realize its highly likely that you might like break a nail or something,” she said with a deeply mocking tone.

“Hey, don’t be harsh,” Oz said flatly.

“I think I’ll just…” Cordelia turned on her heel, and began to walk out of the library.

She walked out of the swinging doors, looking down at the ground. She didn’t get far before she bumped into someone.

“Hey! Watch it!” She said, looking up.

“Oh dear, I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention. Are you alright?”

“Mr. Giles! Oh God, I’m sorry,” she said apologetically.

“Its quite alright Miss Chase,” he paused, “Were you coming out of the library?”

“Um, yeah,” she shook her head, with a slight laugh, “Umm, temporary insanity.”

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Of course,” she laughed slightly and unsurely.

He nodded slowly, not sure how to read her. He wasn’t exactly familiar with reading teenage girls, but he was fairly certain she wasn’t being entirely truthful.

“As long as you’re sure,” he said, watching her carefully.

“Actually…Do you have a minute?” She asked, biting her bottom lip. She wasn’t sure why, but she felt like she could talk to him.

“Of course,” he nodded, smiling at her softly.

“Thanks,” she smiled back warmly. Cordelia was starting to feel an odd comfort around the older man.

They walked through the library and into his office. The other three students looked at each other, obviously confused by this.

“There is something wrong with this picture,” Nancy said, raising an eyebrow.

“Definitely,” Larry nodded.


Willow liked the world like this. It was different than before.

Before she was ignored. Before she couldn’t even get her best friend to notice her. Not anymore.

Now she was feared. Not just by the people of Sunnydale, but by the other demons as well. The master himself said she was one of the most evil, ruthless creatures he had come in contact with.

Everything was dark. And fun. She had often wondered why the people of the town didn’t just give up their lives to be in her position.

She could be free. She could do whatever she wanted without having to worry about that pesky conscience.

“I’m hungry,” she pouted, “Can’t we go find something nice and fresh to eat?”

“Its still sunny outside. You wouldn’t want to fried, would you?” Xander snapped.

“No, but my stomach’s all grumbly.”

“Well, I can’t do anything about that, now can I?”

They turned their heads as they heard a clapping noise.

“Now now children. Play nice. I mean, to each other of course. We have more important things to worry about at the moment. The plans are all in order for the ritual. I need you two to do something for me.”

“And what’s that,” Xander asked him.

“Does it involve maiming?” Willow asked, with an evil grin.

“When doesn’t it?” The master smirked.

End Chapter 2
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