the weekend was kinda busy. here goes:
friday: my uncle called to say my grandma was in the hospital in haliburton; her sugar was over 20. for point of reference, 8 is the cutoff point for normal for diabetics. she may have known something was wrong for a while; however, my grandma's the type to just keep going and not slow down. i mean, she ducked out of a previous blood test early because she was signed up to cook at the legion that day [they serve lunch daily]. my grandma does this despite have almost no vision. anyway, i haven't been able to call at a decent time, and my uncle hasn't called to update me, so hopefully i can call tonight during my break at work.
the inlaws got down around 2; i went to work for 5. matthew ran around and showed off his cuteness; they and marc took him to the park after i left for work and they were amazed at his busyness. apparently mil was trying to hold his hand and protect him and whatnot and matthew was having nothing to do with it. he also discovered a new trick: if you say 'no', he'll close his eyes tight, press his lips together and basically shut down. he doesn't really do it with me when we're alone, but then again, he doesn't seem to take my no's [no matter how firm] seriously. meh.
saturday: saw a house; the realtor seems nice enough and was strongly hinting at other properties. i mean, we went down to the was maybe 5 feet high, and had dry rot in the beams. so we'll keep looking. went to a tool auction next. yes, a tool auction. it was outside and a bit chilly, but at least we could entertain matthew by letting him run. fil got a lot of stuff, so i guess it was worth it. went to an antique show; i got a mother-of-pearl thing w/lipstick, compact and cigarette case. it's a bit like this one, but wider [one side opens for the compact; the other holds the cigarettes] and w/the lipstick on one side. then we came home; the inlaws detoured for food. the detour lasted about an hour; enough time for me to feed matthew and marc to have a nap. then we ate, and i went to work. when i came home, i discovered mil had done the rest of our laundry. i thanked her the next day [marc only told me after they left] and she said she had done it because they had been just sitting there. lol. she's on holiday!
yesterday: i worked until 3:30; met everyone at the mall. mil and i grabbed food while marc got him and me milkshakes and fil chased matthew around. then we got marc some new pants that did not show off his package [mil is always saying how marc's pants are showing off his package and he needs to get new ones]. we went to dinner at a place outside of town; it was a pretty good buffet but we got there when the food was a bit cold. because it was opening weekend for them, and probably to make things easier, food and drink [include alcohol] was included in the price. matthew didn't eat much, so we stopped and got him a grilled cheese at mickey d's. then we went to find a place the realtor said was coming up in a week or so. marc was so sure it was the one place that he and the inlaws went to look at it [they stayed off the property]. then marc took me over; the owner came out and asked if she could help us. marc explained why we were there and she said we had the wrong house. i said, 'sorry to disturb you' as she closed the door, because i mean it is a bit of an intrusion when someone's staring at your house and stuff. anyway. we drove around this small town for about 15, 20 minutes, looking for other possible suspects and i just wanted to go home. and we finally did. the inlaws stopped for bread and milk, and by the time they met us, matthew was asleep. we watched a documentary called 'show cats' about women who, well, take their cats to shows for a living [you could tell by their houses they had money; and contrary to stereotype, most of the women were married]. the inlaws were about to leave when we got a call from marc's aunt. we missed it, so they called back. fil's sister had died; we'll know funeral details today. and then marc and i will decide if we'll go to windsor [where the aunt lived].
so that's my news for now. they'll be looking after matthew tonight because marc has a last-minute meeting; and they'll stay over and leave tomorrow.