Dec 07, 2006 04:39
I've been up since 3am and can't get back to sleep. I just can't turn off my brain...thinking about school stuff. Mostly my schedule. See, my schedule sucks this year, and is in fact, illegal. I presented a new schedule to my principal (weeks ago) with the hope that we could change after holiday break. I still have heard no definite decision one way or another. I just sent her an email literally saying, "Look, I've been up since 3am and can't get back to sleep because I'm stressing over this." The poor woman has more on her plate than you could imagine (trust me on this) but that's why she gets the big bucks, right? I'm not so sure she would agree with me on that right now, though!
At least the previous situation I posted about has been my (and IMO, the student's) favor. The principal found out about it and put a stop to it immediately.
One of my biggest concerns is that, if the schedule does not change, it is literally impossible for me to teach parts of my curriculum, particularly to the first and second grades. The objective and SOL I'm trying to teach is: Students will perform rhythms and melodies on a pitched instrument. The only choice for a pitched instrument in those grades are the xylophones. I don't have the set-up time to prep the lesson (think moving 14 xylophones) and if I take the time during the class to set up, then there is not time left to teach it. Should I just cut my losses, dumb down the curriculum, and call it a day? Of course, I'm really only screwing myself over, because once they hit 3rd grade it will be nothing but catch up. For some reason I can't not teach what I know I'm supposed to and be okay with that.
And, I don't think it is a coincidence that I'm still not over my sinus infection. I could barely speak yesterday. My daily schedule isn't really conducive to 'healing' or 'resting'. I'm really scared that vocally, I could end up doing some real damage this year, such as vocal nodes.
I posted before about possibly getting my MBA and just switching careers, and that is looking more and more attractive every day.