(no subject)

Apr 25, 2016 09:54

Good morning, happy Monday, etc, etc

I'm really not awake yet (despite having sent a half-dozen work-related emails already) so I'm just quickly popping in b/c I know a few of you are contemplating fall trips to Disney World this year & they just released the free dining plan promotion this morning. It looks like it's going fast, so if you're interested, right now is the time to jump on it.

Even if you're not into the dining plan or don't want a package of room/tix/food, they offer a 30% discount on just rooms, which is not something to sneeze at.

The official offer, with dates, rules, levels, etc is here:

As always, I am happy to discuss pros/cons, tips & tricks so feel free to drop me a comment with questions!

This entry was originally posted at http://topaz119.dreamwidth.org/118491.html -- comments are groovy wherever you'd like to make them.
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