Oct 13, 2008 10:35
Age: 20
Height: 180cm (Around 6'0")
Weight: Slim muscular build.
Medical Info: Nothing that's going to matter if he ends up in the hospital or gets into a fight.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Brown
Physical Traits: Physically strong, very athletic, handsome.
What's Okay To Mention: If he finds out what he finds out at the end of the show, he will be an ANGST MACHINE. Please avoid this. At least for a while. Though, only other Kabuto people would be able to tell him anyway. I'm playing him like, 5 eps from the end of the series.
Abilities: He is the man who stands at the top of everything. Really. He's good at most everything; music, sports, combat... just bad at functioning in normal society.
Notes for Psychics: Huge spoilers. Ping if you need to know <3
Shapeshifting/Bodyswapping/Spitting at/Stepping on/Etc: Definitely! Totally ping me if you want to bodyswitch.
Hugging/Kissing/Other Non-Violent Physical Contact: Absolutely! Tsurugi needs love!
Maim/Murder/Death: Lets not kill him. Though, he's strong in a fight so go ahead and try to maim him ^^
Emo/Angst/Drama: Generally, no, though mentioning his murdered sister won't make him a happy camper. Only if he's SPOILED TO HIS OWN LIFE will be become a total emo kid.
Cooking: His butler is canonly one of the best chefs EVER TO BE. I am quite sure Tsurugi can't even make rice.