May 14, 2005 09:30
yea so last night i picked up kristen holly, than melissa, and lastly Kristen Peralta....all the loves of my lifes...and we went to the bowling alley...Eric Malone is the coolest kid ever, he let us bowl for free, and it was fun
first i was doing okay...and than in like the 3rd frame...i got like 5 pins, and i saw the person next to me run and slide and i tried...except i slid to far..and fell--i must admitt it was the funniest thing ever!! than these boys were like 18 from carmel..and were like heyy..and were like no...and basically they were asking our ages and stuff...and than he goes oh which one of u drove here..and no1 i go MY MOMMMMYYYY, and made it sound childish so they wud leave...than JESSICA came...we all hung out..had fun..i love my girls..
but idk im out bye xoxox
kristen amber holly, and amanda carlson..have a great sweet 16 party!! im sorry i cudnt make it!