Badfic App

Aug 09, 2011 14:04

OOC Information:

Name/Alias: Sasha
Age: 16
E-Mail//MSN//AIM: MSN/E-mail:
Personal LJ: pixystixys
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IC Information:

Character Name: Fran, Flan
Name that appears on plaque: Fran
Character Journal: top_magician26
Canon: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Point in Canon: End of the TYL!Arc
Age: 19
Birthday: December 16
Appearance: Fran has chin length teal hair with eyes of the same color. He is rather short as well as skinny. He has a triangle mark under each eye. He is often seen wearing a large frog hat given to him by his senior, Belphegor. He's the one on the right

Abilities: Fran is an illusionist who has been trained by Mukuro. His illusions are extremely strong. In fact, he is one of only three people that can decieve the Vendicare, the omniscient police force of the mafia. He also has an odd characteristic: despite being stabbed by multiple knives, he does not bleed, nor does he feel extreme pain. It is implied that he may feel slight pain but not the pain associated with being stabbed.

Personality: Fran has a very calm, sometimes emotionless, outer demeanor. It is rare that he outwardly shows a strong emotion such as rage, love, or excitement. Fran starts off as relatively apathetic to people until he finds a characteristic that he can use against the other person (such as Mukuro's "pineapple head" or Bel not having much proof about being a prince).  He sees other people as merely being there for his own entertainment, being there for him to poke fun at since he enjoys antagonizing others by verbally abusing them by insulting something they do or calling them names. If anything comes to his mind, he is not afraid to say it; he is brutally straight forward and extremely sarcastic, not caring if what he says will offend anyone. In fact if it *did* offend someone, he would take amusement if they reacted in a strong way. He also believes that illusions are to be used as pranks to play on others.
He never lets people bother him.

Fran never reacts to any of the antagonizing that he recieves from Belphegor or Mukuro, even if he is stabbed by Mukuro's trident or several of Belphegor's knives. He takes life as it comes. He just accepts his fate, whatever it may be. Sometimes, he may not particularly want something to happen to him, but he won't go out of his way to try to prevent it from happening. He will not hesitate in complaining though if a certain situation is not to his liking. His complaining can take on an immature tone at times.  He has an apathetic attitude towards many situations until it becomes serious, like a battle or assassination, or if it's about something that will give him instant gratification, such as food.

Fran has a general dislike for the people who have authority over him.  He shows this dislike by making those above him the victims of his bullying and antagonization.  The two that receive the greatest amount of mocking from him are Belphegor and Mukuro.  Fran does give Mukuro some respect by calling him "Master", but the respect is countered by the amount of insults that he throws at Mukuro.  Belphegor, who is Fran's direct senior, gets mocked the most by being called an idiot, a fake prince, and other insults of the like.

Strengths: Fran never lets things bother him, at least he doesn't show if they do.

Weaknesses: Fran constantly puts down and antagonizes others and will sometimes just look for some piece of information to use to antagonize someone. This causes him to make enemies easily.

History: Fran grew up in France with his grandmother until he was about eight or nine years old. Somewhere along the line, he was taken under Mukuro's wing as a student and began to perfect his talent as an illusionist. Later in his life, Fran joined the Varia, an elite assassian squad working for the Vongola family. He was hired to replace the mist guardian that had died. This made him the newest Varia officer and partnered with the storm guardian, Belphegor.
Belphegor did not hide his dislike for Fran, as he threw knives at Fran every chance he got. He also forced him to wear a frog hat in honor of Mammon who had a pet frog that sat on his head.

Fran took part in the invasion of a subsequent Millifiore defense base. He was paired with Belphegor to explore the area surrounding the base and get rid of any Millifiore members whom they came upon. While exploring the area, the two ran into Olgert, Belphegor's previous butler, and, much to Belphegor's surprise, his supposedly dead twin brother Rasiel. Fran then hears Belphegor and Rasiel's history together: full of fighting that eventually led to Rasiel being "killed" at the age of eight by his own twin brother's hand. The two parties then fight, and Olgert and Rasiel get the upper hand because Fran is unable to open his box weapon due to needing a "heroic" pose to open it. Fran is forced to create an illusion of his and Belphegor's deaths to escape being seriously injured or killed.

Fran was a key component in freeing Mukuro from the high security Vendicare prison. It was because of Fran's ability as an illusionist that he was able to trick the Vendicare guards to release Mukuro, instead of Ghost, who was supposed to be released due to a deal Byakuran had made with the Vendicare.

During the final battle with Byakuran and the last of the Real Funeral Wreaths, Fran and Mukuro faked the deaths of their comrades to catch the enemy off guard.  As the next heat of the battle began, Fran antagonizes Belphegor by reminding him when his attacks missed or when he did anything wrong.  When Chrome arrived with the Vongola ring and Vongola box for Mukuro, Fran had to open his box weapon without a "heroic" pose to protect Mukuro from getting his flames sucked away by Ghost; in turn, Fran had his own flames drained when they concentrated into his box weapon.  As his flames were drained, his frog hat shrunk and crumpled, implying that it is an illusion.

First Person Sample:
Ah, it seems that I've been kidnapped or something. This place isn't where I fell asleep, but I would have noticed being kidnapped. Although, pineapple head always said that I was a heavy sleeper.

[He glanced to the bedside table and noticed the Blackberry. He scrolled through but didn't recognize anything.]

Not my phone. This is odd...

I guess pineapple head, fake prince-senpai, and long haired commander will just have to deal with me being gone.

[He glanced over to the corner, where his frog hat was sitting.]

...Why did that have to come, too?

Third Person Sample:
The teal haired boy toyed with the phone that had appeared on the table next to his bed. Going through the contacts, all he found were numbers, no names. He figured that it may be worth a shot to try to call a few of the contacts listed in the phone to try to figure out where he was.
He randomly picked a number from the list and dialed it. "Where am I?" Fran asked, and when the person who picked up didn't answer his question right away, he hung up.
Why did people always need to know who was calling them? Couldn't they just answer the question and go on with their boring, mediocre lives? All Fran cared about at the present time was to know where he was. He could care less if he was never able to return to the insane people he lived with, the Varia, or his pineapple-headed master. He just cared about knowing where he was.

Links: Reborn Wikia Youtube 1 Youtube 2
Notes: Fran does not have a specified age or birthday in canon. Age was based on how old he looks in canon, and it was stated in volume twenty-five of the manga that he was a Sagittarius, hence the birthdate.
The current manga chapters are dealing with Fran's early history.

Bonus: Fran's been sitting in my musebox for a while, and even though I've played him on memes, I decided that I wanted him in a real game. This looks like an awesome game!


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