Doom by Nanny State

Jan 10, 2012 07:22

The Guardian: The US schools with their own police
'More and more US schools have police patrolling the corridors. Pupils are being arrested for throwing paper planes and failing to pick up crumbs from the canteen floor. Why is the state criminalising normal childhood behaviour?'...

Another bright idea from moronic control freaks who project their own insecurities. By whom I mean people who feel their lives lack control so overcompensate by interfering with other peoples' lives. Of course people who civil rights are barely recognised, like children, are an obvious target for such ninnies. Agencies who deal with any unrepresented demographic attracts such control freaks and will, like the scum, rise to the top unless opposed. So we end up with this sorry state.

It has come to be established wisdom that the more complex the structure of a society becomes the more effort it needs to spend on protecting that structure. Especially from any chaotic and possibly damaging influence and children's behaviour is definitely chaotic. This also applies to any unrepresented demographic, deemed to be by their nature, to be chaotic and undermining society. Illegal immigrants are a case in point. They are rarely involved in any decision making process in their status. Naturally this also neatly fits in with the thinking of the militaryindustrial complex who are keen to get people used to police monitoring of their lives as early as possible.

If we are not keen to have our lives run by those who have very little interest in our well being we are going to have to change the way we think about sharing our society with children and other chaotic demographics. The fact that we are always having to 'deal' with children would indicate that since we have not found a solution for the problem that we should change our thinking towards it. Or, at the very least, restrict anal control freaks from having any serious input on such matters. If children do not behave as we wish then perhaps we should look to how they are raised? While schools should be responsible for children in their care parents and guardians also have responsibility to raise children in such a way they do not represent a danger to others or themselves. If those parents and guardians can not carry out that responsibility then they are the ones in need of a state education so that they may be equipped to shoulder their responsibilities. Indeed everyone who believes in controlling children and any 'chaotic' demographic should also receive the benefits of such an education.

Cross posted to so_very_doomed
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