[Fic] How to Spot an Invert (for prillalar)

Dec 24, 2010 23:11

Title: How to Spot an Invert
Author: aunt_agatha
Recipient: prillalar
Pairing: Inui/Kaidoh, Yanagi/Kirihara
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Yanagi asks Inui for advice on wooing his kouhai; but in some things, Inui is clueless.
Warnings: A touch of rimming.
Notes: All characters depicted are over 16 and in high school. Ochoufujin, I hope that this answered some of the things you were looking for. I really wanted to work a fist fight in there, but it turned out too contrived against the story I already had. I had a lot of fun writing this! Thanks so much to by beta, M, and my friends who discussed the storyline with me. Also, I really think that Inui would listen to Momus.

M.C. Escher. The impossible rapper. Ain’t nobody does it better, under pressure.

Renji was calling. Inui hit save and grabbed his phone.

“Renji. How was your 6km run this afternoon?”

“I did 6.5.”

“An unexpected increase,” Inui mumbled, jotting the information down onto a post-it.

“Are you enjoying your iced coffee with two sugars?”

“Very much, thank you,” Inui replied, miffed.

“Hakase. I need your advice. You are the only person I can ask.”

“I’m not done adapting DevInfo yet.” He noticed a spider approaching his keyboard.

“That is not why I’m calling.” There was a pause during which Inui downed the remains of his coffee and trapped the spider with the glass. “I need advice about seducing my kouhai, Kirihara.”

The coffee that he didn’t inhale through his nostrils sprayed all over his keyboard and physics notes. He scrambled for the towel from his tennis bag and began to mop up the mess.

“Is everything alright?” Renji asked.

“Coffee spill.”

“Oh. What I specifically wanted to know was in regard to Kaidoh. He appears to be very skittish. How did you convince him to engage in a sexual relationship with you?”

Inui’s whole body froze in embarrassment.

“Uuak?” He choked out.

“He seems very similar in that respect to Kirihara, who is unusually nervous about suggestions of male-male relationships. I sense that this is merely the standard put-on variety of homophobia that manifests itself when the subject is in fact homosexual. However I don’t want to scare him away by moving too quickly.”

“Perhaps you should recalibrate your sensors, Renji,” Inui said in a tight voice.


“I am not, in fact, engaged in a sexual relationship with Kaidoh.”


“I can’t imagine where you got that idea from.”

“But the way you act around each other... it’s classic couple behavior. I thought that you were an item ever since Nationals in middle school,” Renji argued.

“You were mistaken.” Inui paused. “You are trying to seduce Kirihara?”


“Why?” He heard Renji give an uncharacteristic sigh.

“His hair. His eyes. His feisty manner. The way he smells when he sweats. His intensity. His devotion. His ass. His--”

“That’s plenty of information, thank you.” Inui was slightly disconcerted when his dick began to twitch in his shorts.

“I must say I’m surprised, Sadaharu. You’re telling me you’ve really never thought about Kaidoh that way?”

Inui was having trouble coming up with a suitable answer. Mainly because he had just started to do exactly that.

“Goodnight, Renji.”


“I want Inui-senpai,” Kaidoh growled.

Inui stood frozen in surprise. His mind raced. To make such a declaration in front of the entire tennis team-- perhaps he had underestimated Kaidoh’s tendency toward recklessness.

“Well?” Momoshiro said. “Are you going to come play or what?”

“Eh?” Inui looked around. It appeared that everyone else had already headed for the courts.

“Come play... doubles... you and Kaidoh against me and Ryoma?” Momoshiro looked at him kindly. “Are you feeling okay, Inui-senpai? You’re kinda red.”

Inui rubbed his hand against his forehead.

“My temperature appears normal.” He looked over to where Kaidoh stood on the court warming up with Echizen. Kaidoh had already broken a sweat, a light sheen reflecting off of his shoulders. His small shorts tightened around his ass when he leaned in to return a low ball. Inui swallowed and discovered that his mouth was dry.

“Doubles,” he repeated. “Oh.”


Renji approached Akaya at lunch in his classroom. He looked startled, to say the least.


Renji took very seriously what Sadaharu had said. Perhaps his assessment of Akaya was horribly wrong. The only way to find out was to collect more data. A simple conversation should do the trick.

“Do you mind if I join you?”

“Uh, okay.” Akaya stared at his senpai with not so well concealed suspicion. “Don’t you usually eat with Buchou?”

“He and Sanada are off doing something together.” No, not suggestive enough. “I can’t imagine what they could be doing all by themselves in the locker room.” He looked up from unpacking his bento and made eye contact. “Can you?”

Akaya turned a very pretty shade of red. A direct hit. Renji felt emboldened.

“Do you always eat by yourself up here?” He knew perfectly well that he did not.

“Sometimes I eat with Jackal-senpai and Marui-senpai.” Akaya replied, taking a bite of pork.

“Ah, then you’ll be perfect person to ask,” Renji said with a small smile.

“About what?”

“Marui’s ass.”

Akaya choked.


“You were right, Kyojyu.”


Inui rubbed at the bridge of his nose and sighed.

“I appear to have it very bad. Everything that he says seems to have a double meaning. It is... distracting.”

“Hmm. I took your advice and began collecting fresh data.”


“When subjected to gay innuendo he reacts very strongly. Yet mention of girls and their skirt lengths barely elicits a response.”

“That sounds promising.”

“I believe that my earlier assessment has a 91% chance of being correct.”


“Hakase. Just seduce him.”

Inui snorted.

“You make it sound so easy. Aren’t you trying to do exactly the same thing?”

“Yes, but I don’t have a kouhai who is obviously devoted to me and willing to let me take his physical data by hand. You do.”

“Physical data by hand...” Inui’s train of thought completely derailed. Renji chuckled.

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”


Renji was a bit later to the showers than usual because he stalled on purpose. He had a good view of the window, and therefore of Akaya doing punishment laps around the courts.

Yukimura touched his shoulder, already showered and dressed.

“Will you lock up when the show’s over?”

“His endurance has increased by approximately 15% since the start of the season.”

“I’m sure that’s not all that’s increased, right Renji?” Yukimura’s mouth tilted at the corner. Renji flushed.

Eight minutes later he was alone in the shower with visions of Akaya’s lightly muscled forearms in his head and his dick in his hand.

“Who else is in here?” Akaya called as he rounded the corner in a towel. Renji looked back over his shoulder. “Oh, it’s you, senpai. Is everyone else gone already?” Akaya started another shower head.

Renji looked down at his erection and decided to go ahead and push a little further.

For science.

“Just you and me, Akaya,” he said as he turned around and grabbed the soap. He closed his eyes and let the water rush over him a bit before he began lathering himself up. He soaped up his hands and ran his fingers over his balls, up his hardened shaft. More soap and then both hands between his cheeks, pulling apart and massaging thoroughly.

He heard a strange gaspy noise and then the thud of a bottle hitting the ground. Quick, wet footsteps echoed through the hall. When Renji opened his eyes Akaya was gone and his shower was still running. Renji frowned.

Perhaps he should take a more subtle approach.


"Will you help me with my lab assignment, senpai?"

Inui wasn't used to his heart rate increasing so dramatically after such simple, innocent requests --after all, he helped practically everyone on the team with their assignments-- and yet his hadn't slowed down in the hour between being asked and now, actually standing just behind Kaidoh at lab station five.

"Am I pouring it correctly, senpai?" Kaidoh asked, peering back over his shoulder.

"If you want to avoid splashing, you should do it like this." He wrapped his arms around Kaidoh and guided both of his hands as he poured.

Kaidoh did not seem to be averse to the contact. In fact, if Inui didn't know better he would have thought Kaidoh leaned back into him a little.

"Much less splashing. Thank you." Kaidoh's ear was almost touching Inui's mouth. Inui reluctantly pulled away, but couldn't hold back his deep exhalation as he did so.

He watched, fascinated, as Kaidoh appeared to shiver.

"While I'm thinking of it, can we meet tomorrow to train?"

"Tomorrow will be fine, senpai. You need to take my physical data, too."

"Y-yes. That's true," Inui stuttered. "I'd love to. I mean. You are due for..."

"Will you monitor the temperature while I label these, senpai?" Kaidoh asked in a rough voice.

"Of course, Kaidoh." He was glad to have something to focus on other than the way Kaidoh's hair smelled like juniper and musk. Or the way he could see the smooth skin where his neck and shoulder met beyond the collar of his shirt. "100.26, 100.27, 100.28, 100.29, 100.30, 100.31, 100.32, 100.33, 100.34..."

Kaidoh began to fidget on his lab stool.

"100.46, 100.47, 100.48, 100.49, 100.50..."

Kaidoh rubbed his face in a frustrated manner.

"100.68, 100.69, 100.70, 100.71, 100.72..."

Kaidoh stopped his work suddenly.

"I'm sorry senpai, I have to go."

He raced from the room with his backpack clutched in his fists before him.

Inui stared at the abandoned experiment in front of him.

He thought it had been going so well. Perhaps a test was in order. He fished his phone out of his pocket and dialed.

"I would like to come over and collect some of your physical data."

"This isn't Kaidoh's number, Inui-senpai."

"I meant to call you, Momoshiro."

The sound of Momoshiro's laughter made him shudder. He dialed again.

"Echizen. I would like to take some of your physical measurements for--"

"Ehh, I'm not into that kind of thing, senpai."

"That kind of thing?" Inui repeated. He dialed another number.

"What can I do for you this fine evening, Inui?"

"Fuji. I was wondering if I could come take some physical data on you for comparative analysis."

"This is an experiment in physical proximity, isn't it?"


"Ask Kaidoh-kun." Inui tried one last number.

"Tezuka. I would like to come over and take some measurements of your--"


Inui stared at his phone.

"He hung up."


It took some unbearably normal interaction in the days following the shower incident for Akaya not to bolt when Renji came near him. By Friday he had managed to get him to have lunch together again. Renji thought that perhaps an activity with him alone would get him farther.

"I was planning to go to a new arcade this weekend. Sort of new, I mean. It's that one that was shut down last year and it's just opened again. Would you like to come?"

To Renji's relief he said yes.

So there they were, playing King of Fighters, talking and laughing like everything was normal. Akaya seemed to be having a great time.

"Drum Master's free!!" Akaya exclaimed, running over to it. They each took a drum, and Renji lost miserably. Mostly because he kept staring at the sliver of skin where Akaya's shirt rode up as he banged his drum like an over-enthusiastic toddler.

They left the arcade in high spirits and grabbed drinks from a vending machine as they walked around the neighborhood. A sudden clap of thunder made everyone in the street stop what they were doing. Umbrellas went up all around them.

"I didn't bring one, did you?" Akaya asked. Renji shook his head.

"I only live four blocks from here. We can walk in that direction."

The sky darkened as they walked until it was almost as dark as night. The thunder continued to rumble ominously and the rain finally began to fall with such force that they were both instantly soaked.

"Hurry!" Renji shouted, grabbing Akaya's hand and leading the way the last block to his building.

They climbed the stairs, still hand in hand to the fourth floor apartment Renji shared with his family. Renji reluctantly pulled his hand away to take his shoes and socks off on the landing, as did Akaya.

"Come on," he said, unlocking the door. The place was empty. "No one will be back until tonight, so we can stay here as long as we need to." He tried the light switch. "Lights are out."

Renji showed Akaya through the dark hallway and into his room, then threw him a towel and began to take off his clothes. They were sopping wet. He stripped off his underwear and toweled himself off well enough to pull on a dry pair. He grabbed his clothes off the floor to take them to the bathtub to dry. As he turned around he was faced with a near motionless Akaya.

All he did was stand there and shiver. His green t-shirt was plastered to his skin, and his jeans were drenching the floor.

"Akaya?" Renji raced to dump his clothes in the tiled hallway. He grabbed the towel from Akaya's hands and began to peel off his t-shirt. "You have to get out of these as quickly as possible. It's okay, I'll help you."

Akaya simply stood there limply and let Renji pull the shirt over his head. He was covered in goosebumps, and the surface of his skin was cool.

"I'm going to get your jeans now," Renji said soothingly. He didn't lie to himself and pretend that this wasn't something he'd imagined doing. He unbuttoned the fly and pulled the zipper down easily. Then he bent down to his knees as he pulled them down Akaya's legs. He had to grab a hip to steady Akaya as he pulled his foot out of each leg. Then it was done and all that was left was the--

Akaya's hardness poked against the front of his wet briefs. It was smallish and looked like it wanted to jut straight out if only the stupid briefs weren't in the way. Renji looked up to Akaya's smooth belly, gently muscled and beautiful. Then up to his face where his eyes were full of... shame.

Renji understood very suddenly that this was never a game to Akaya. And he still wanted him so badly. He stood up and put his hands on Akaya's shoulders.

"It's okay," he said in a low voice. "You don't have to be afraid of me, Akaya. You never have to be afraid of me."

"I don't want anyone to know," he all but whispered back.

Renji touched his cheek, smoothing back the hair that was slicked against his face.

"I haven't done a very good job of telling you how I feel about you."

"How you..." The look of surprise was far better than fear, in Renji's opinion.

"May I show you?" he asked quietly. A small nod of assent was all he needed to place a soft kiss on Akaya's lips.

"Senpai," Akaya breathed, as Renji smoothed his fingers down his back, kissed along Akaya's jaw and down the side of his neck. He stepped back momentarily to pick up the towel and began to dry Akaya's hair. He rubbed it along his shoulders, mixing kisses with warm breath. He gave licking kisses to Akaya's chest before pulling his nipples gently between his teeth. The gaspy sounds told him to continue just as much as the warming hands that found his shoulders.

He kissed his way down Akaya's belly, then gently tugged at the wet briefs still clinging to his skin.

"Don't worry. I'll give you new ones." He pulled them all the way down to reveal the perfect jutting hardness he wanted to see so badly. "I want to taste you," he croaked, burying his face in Akaya's hip. Akaya's legs gave out slightly, so Renji guided him to sit on the edge of the bed.

The storm still hadn't stopped. The thunder occasionally made the glass in the window hum. Renji reached past to slide the window open, then knelt down between Akaya's legs. He kissed him again. He tried as hard as he could to be gentle. But little details kept threatening to set him off. Like the tiny traces of stubble around Akaya's mouth and along the bottom of his jaw. The little mole behind his ear that no one ever saw. The buttery texture of his skin, and the plump softness of his upper lip. Droplets of water misted over them through the window. It was a sensual feast. Renji reined himself in as best he could manage. He sat back to admire.

"I think you're beautiful."

Akaya blushed hard enough that Renji could see it even in the dim light. Water shimmered on his skin. He was enchanting.

"Senpai," he protested.

"Mmm," he affirmed, leaning down. He pressed his lips to an inner thigh. He suckled gently, inching closer and closer until his mouth closed over his sac. Akaya panted over him, making the most delicious little noises as Renji licked his balls. His dick was leaking from the tip, and when Renji closed his mouth over the head Akaya let out an involuntary sob. He swallowed it down to the root and sucked. Come flooded his mouth mere seconds later as Akaya babbled something about the rain. Renji swallowed and then continued to lick back behind his balls. He pushed Akaya flat onto the bed and lifted his legs over his shoulders. He loved the feel of Akaya's heels on his back. Renji parted Akaya's cheeks and licked a broad stroke across his hole.

"W-what are you... oh god." Akaya trailed off into incoherency as Renji's tongue licked and sucked in little circles. He raised a hand to Akaya's already hard again dick and wrapped his hand around it, stroking in time to the thrusts of his tongue. He felt warmth spill onto his hand, and he continued to lick as he brought the same hand to his own dick and slicked Akaya all over himself. It took two strokes.

He rested his head on Akaya's thigh and tried to catch his breath.

Akaya looked completely debauched and utterly gorgeous. Renji climbed up to lay beside him and simply stared.

He hoped that he hadn't gone too far. He hoped that Akaya wouldn't be more afraid than before. He hoped that--

Fingers lacing between his own put his stuttering thoughts to rest.

"We can do that again, right?" Akaya said sleepily.


"That was very exhilarating," Inui after they jogged under the overpass to escape the rain.

"I'm short a half a mile," Kaidoh observed with a frown.

".56 miles, to be precise," he corrected.

Kaidoh leaned against the concrete and crossed his arms. His stare burned right through Inui.

"What were my last five times, senpai?"

Inui thought for a moment.

"32.2 minutes, 31.4, 29.6, 29.8 and 28.7."

"That's good, right?" he prompted.

"You dropped 3.5 minutes from your time over the course of 8 days of training. I'd say it's fantastic," Inui enthused. "Those are race winning times and I think you know it."

Kaidoh looked past Inui to the pounding rain and shivered.

"It's getting cold."

"If you're willing to brave a walk across the park we can use these rain ponchos and go to my place." Inui held up two tiny plastic packets.

"Where did those come from?" Kaidoh asked, startled.

"My pockets, of course," he replied, pushing up his glasses.

"If we run," Kaidoh agreed.

They were just as cold when they arrived at Inui's house as when they started, only this time the rain was mixed with sweat beneath the ineffective ponchos.

"You're welcome to the shower, but not until the storm is over," Inui offered as they reached his room.

"Thank you, senpai." Kaidoh rubbed a towel through his hair and took off his tank top.

Inui was faced with Kaidoh's bare chest. Kaidoh rubbed the towel across his nipples, down the firm plane of his belly and under each of his arms where there was a small patch of hair. Oh god.

"I should go make some tea." Inui crossed the room to the doorway but was blocked by Kaidoh.

"You haven't taken my data yet, senpai."

"Ah. Yes, you're right. I should go get my tape measure." He made for the door again, intending to go masturbate in the bathroom and relieve some of the tension.

"It's on your desk."

"So it is." Inui picked up the tape measure and willed his hands to stop shaking. He began with shoulder span and arms, then neck, on to the chest, down to the waist. All the while reciting the measurements aloud. Inui wrapped the tape around Kaidoh's hips, and that's when he noticed it.

The bulge.

"You stopped, senpai."

Inui felt his face flush, and his face felt like it was on fire after Kaidoh said,

"Would you like to measure it, senpai?"


"I'll let you." Kaidoh pulled his damp shorts down below his hips, exposing an impressive erection. "Go ahead, senpai."

Inui reached for it with a trembling hand. It was thick and hot and longer than he'd expected. Kaidoh let out a deep breath. Inui placed the end of the tape at the base and measured out to the tip.

"19.1 centimeters," he said. He was surprised at how steady his voice was. He wrapped the tape around the thickest part. "12.4 centimeters."

"You should check it again," Kaidoh said as he grabbed Inui's wrist and guided his hand back around the shaft. Inui gave an experimental pump. "Like that, senpai," he said in a rough voice. He slowly backed Inui against the wall.

"Can I kiss you?" Inui asked.

From that moment on Kaidoh was all tongue. He sucked on Inui's lips and tongue, thrusting his own in and latching his open mouth onto any exposed flesh Inui had available. Inui thought for a moment that Kaidoh was more aggressive than he'd anticipated. That thought flew out the window, however, when Kaidoh flipped Inui around to face the wall and pulled his pants down.

"Stay still, senpai," he ordered.

His hand was now wrapped around Inui's dick, so Inui didn't really have a problem with this. That long hardness was now nestled between the cheeks of his ass. Kaidoh began to pump him slowly while thrusting against him from behind.

"Kaidoh," Inui moaned. "Fuck."

"How long am I, senpai?" Kaidoh growled into his neck.

"Nineteen point one centimeters," Inui panted.

"Say more numbers."

"Ahhh, um. Twelve point four. One hundred seventy three. Three point one four one... ahh... five... nine two... six oh god... five..."

"Senpai," Kaidoh grunted. "I'm coming!"

Inui felt Kaidoh's erratic thrusts begin to slide through the warm wetness on his back. At that moment Inui realized how easy it would be for Kaidoh to just slip inside. He nearly passed out at the thought.



"There have been startling new developments since yesterday," Inui began.

"Same here," Renji replied.

"Kaidoh is... remarkable. I had not anticipated such energy or enthusiasm."

"Congratulations, Hakase."

"Did you have similar luck with Kirihara?"

"I am not allowed to say," Renji said with a regretful tone.

"Then... how will we compare data?" Inui asked in confusion.

"I will be more than happy to share information about the mating habits of my turtles, however."

"You don't have turtles," Inui pointed out.

"So you're not interested?"

"Of course I am," Inui replied as he grabbed a fresh notebook.


round:2010, character:inui sadaharu, *fic, school:rikkai, pairing:inui/kaidoh, pairing:yanagi/kirihara, school:seigaku, character:kirihara akaya, character:yanagi renji, character:kaidoh kaoru

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