[Fic] Mój najdroższy. (My Dearest.) (for fuefuki_san)

Dec 13, 2010 17:55

Title: Mój najdroższy. (My Dearest.)
Author: uebo14
Recipient: fuefuki_san
Pairings/Characters: Akabun, Yanagi
Rating: PG
Summary: He wants to see something more than the contents of Yanagi's USB, and he knows well that it's not possible at the moment.
Warnings: BL. Some foul words courtesy of Marui.
Notes: Mój najdroższy translates to 'my dearest', and is written in Polish (if it does not, or if I butchered your language, feel free to shoot me prz). I fell in love with said language, plus I was talking with my dear Polish friend who taught me these nice phrases, which is where I got the inspiration for this oneshot fic. I had a fun time writing this up, so I hope you also like what I have for you, Nami. \o\ (Also USB = flash drive *shot*)

Another evening, another day coming to a close as the sun sets. The balls have been placed in their respective baskets and the rackets have gone back to their own bags. Their owners feel accomplished as usual, admiring the beautiful aftermath of a nice, hectic Wednesday training, even though they smell like dead rats and of toilet emission. At least to Marui, he smelled as so, putting down his arm to safely secure it and his stinking armpit.

Only 2 out of 6 showers are working in the club room, and he is not going in there with boys all squeezing in and wanting to be washed altogether. Even if he was a self-renowned genius, a talented self-renowned genius/athlete at that, he still can't bare the horrors of bathing with the others (fuck that Niou) in their condition.

Sighing, Marui rubbed his hands together and started to walk. It was ridiculous. Such a hot day, and the evening proceeding was darn cold. He can't afford to get sick now, of all times; he had a competition tomorrow, and one against Yukimura. No one wins against Yukimura, so maybe he can get sick on second thought...

All of them, all of Rikkai, would have a culminating event on Saturday. And that's the time when he should not get sick. There would be trainings, there would be hard times and obstacles, plus no inviting food whatsoever. It's just strict training, it's all rules and becoming better; becoming a Rikkai regular. Though there's no much fun about that in the first hearing, he admits that he is overly excited for it.

He is, in fact, roommates with not Jackal, but with Kirihara.

A sly grin paints his face, but it is immediately replaced with a deep frown when he saw Yanagi calling out to him. Way to ruin my thoughts, really, he thought to himself, groaning.

"Marui." The taller of the two put out his hand and made an in-and-out action, asking for something, and Marui's face lit up in realization. "The USB."

"Th-The USB!" Marui laughed, and he dug around his tennis racket bag to look for said object. Feeling the rough objects inside, he wondered, where the fuck is my grip tape? But that's another issue for another day.

Yanagi leaned closer to him casting a shadow, making Marui much shorter than he already was. Snuffling a giggle, Yanagi whispered menacingly, "Did it do you good?"

"Of course. Geez, Yanagi. I didn't think that you were that type of person. Your collection was enormous! From fetishes to toys...I...am impressed."

The smiles on their faces turned malicious and they all but frowned; that USB was heaven for the both of them, and they knew exactly why.

Oh how they actually knew it by heart.

"Well then. I'm glad to be of help to you. I hope it comes in handy when you meet up with him."

Winking, Marui replied, "Of course. Thanks!"

Slightly opening his eyes, albeit the already-dark surroundings, Yanagi started to walk and looking back, he said, "Make me very proud, Marui."

And the red head just nodded at his way, waving off Yanagi, and moving on to walking. He knows what the hell is inside that thing, and he saw it all. It's just a matter of actually using it in the near future, but he wonders; he can't even get close to Kirihara! All the other boy ever thought about nowadays is practice, training and getting better in tennis. He was too focused on beating Yukimura and the others that he sometimes forgot to eat lunch AND dinner, which worried Marui to no limits. What use would it be if ever you won a match and you collapse because of ulcer right after getting your medals..?

As he neared his home, he wondered about Kirihara. The only time Marui could talk to him once again is at the camp, which is 4 days away, but still, 4 days is a lot for an impatient boy like him! Again images clouded his mind, all of Kirihara; the way he swings his racket, the way the other boy grinswhen he scores and when he glances at him (and immediately looks away).

And for the first time in a long time, Marui actually felt like he missed Kirihara Akaya. And his hair.

"Idiot... Making me wait like a stupid child..."

Marui breathed, staring up to the silvery-black-lit sky, all thoughts of Kirihara making him sick and wanting to eat a whole cake when he gets home. But he's up for another surprise. The person he has been thinking about is in his door step, gazing up at him with a grin.


"Kirihara?" And again he felt blood rushing to his cheeks, letting out a hot sensation as he breathed; "Do you need anything?"

It's all he could force himself to say with all the tension in his head, with all the things he wants to do to him and to them and...it was all just so overwhelming to take in all at once. Just a while ago Marui was wishing for some kind of contact between them, and now when he gets what he wants, he spaces out? How stupid could I be!

"No, I'm done doing what I needed to do. See you tomorrow, sempai." And with that, the younger of the two stood up and put his hands on his pockets, disappearing within a few seconds into the slopey road. It took some time before Marui can process what had happened in his mind, and everything made no sense at all, he concludes.

Marui doesn't know what to do now. Is he going to call Kirihara? Wait for tomorrow and slap the other boy for not saying nothing more than THAT? Or just let go?

He storms in the house, surprising his two younger brothers, who were now attacking his all important cake. He ignores this (much to the shock of the two) and runs upstairs, unable to comprehend whether to be happy that he saw Kirihara (that was, in fact, what he wanted) or be frustrated that it didn't quite meet to his expectations.

There wasn't even a kiss or a hug, just pale words and some moments of gazing.

He slammed the door behind him, ready to hit the bed, until he saw something that caught his eye. It was a box, and written on the side is the brand of his favorite cake shop, and Marui gasped in utter happiness and glee.

Did Kirihara--?

The red head picked up the box and proceeded to sit down on his bed, placing it on top of his lap. It was a lemon sponge cake, with yellow icing on top that made an image of a smiling face. There was even a note in the side that simply wrote, 'I just knew your brothers ate your other cake! This is a new flavor!'

A smile spread across his features.

Forgetting all about the contents of the USB, forgetting tennis and himself for a littlw while, Marui grabbed his phone and dialled. Ring ring. It was like hourse. Yet he waited. He was so happy, if this was that feeling. kirihara remembered him.

The other line answers.

Marui is speechless. "I...I..."


And then soft laughter.

No more words are needed. No more words are indeed needed.

school:rikkai, *fic, round:2010, character:marui bunta, pairing:marui/kirihara, character:kirihara akaya

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