May 27, 2006 10:24
6 days...... I have 6 days untill my Alexander leaves for Myrte Beach,SC.....5...if you don't count tomorrow...even tho it's sad b/c he will be gone all break...i know he will's all worries here!
On the other hand..a somewhat happy note is i get to go Up North To My Cabin! YAYAYAYAY!! I'm so excited..but we may not go so,.that's sad....
I was suppose to go to Alexander's tomorrow..but, daddy says we're going up north and i was having a bad day that day and didn't feel like fighting with him to get my way........not that it would work! all i have to say....
This weather sucks! Nature is a big tease! It's getting me all happy...ready to break out the tanks and shorts...and then...BLAH! It starts raining..and snowing...and just a bit of everthing......going crazy here!!!!
Casey Rae