Nov 17, 2004 21:49
ahh today was shit but what else is new and what can ya do i guess. i hate pretty, gorgeous girls they make me so mad because i know i will never be one of them they just! ugh! like this one girl at westview..its just not fair. and some of those people on t.v...ugh oh well and now im over it. tommorrow i have german(hehe) which i hope will be fun...i hope we get sometime to "talk" to some "people".
What is your favorite_______?
[x]gum: ...uhh...
[x]restaurant: it depends on my mood i guess
[x]drink: coca cola!
[x]season: any of them, each has good things and bad things about it
[x]type of weather: rainy cold days
[x]emotion: flirty/in love or loved/not lonely
[x]thing to do on a half day: see friends of course...and sleep!
[x]late-night activity:computer pretty much and sitting in my room
[x]sport: uhhh i dont really do sports i dance hula instead.
[x]city: uhh...probably somewhere on oahu(not sure which is my favorite though) or new york...ive never been to cali so wouldnt know..but i havent been to new york but im just assuming it would be fun..and of course vancouver washington...hhe
[x]store: uh i dk i shop different places
_______When was the last time you_______
[x]cried: last night..
[x]played a sport: well i played basketball in the rain at becca's. i kicked her booty, hehe. just kidding.
[x]laughed: like five minutes ago at my mom she is hilarious sometimes
[x]hugged someone: like 15 minutes ago
[x]kissed someone: ....
[x] felt depressed : today
[x]felt overworked: last week with that stupid global studies/lit and comp project..
[x]faked sick: i havent done that in a long time, plus i am sick now i dont need to fake it
[x]lied: uhh today
_______What was the last_______
[x]word you said: i forget
[x]thing you ate: rice
[x]thing you drank: water..the healthy choice!
[x]place you went to: uhhh merissa's actually piano...yeah.
[x]movie you watched: ...gosh i havent watched a movie in a long time!
[x]movie you rented: mean girls
_______Have you ever_______
[x]danced in the rain: yes!! many times! its awesome i love walking in the rain and all that good stuff.
[x]drank alcohol: not really
[x]slept around: heck no
[x]partied 'til the sun came up: uhhh not really i dont think latest ive partied is like 1(at an actual party that is)
[x]had a movie marathon: not really....i watched bring it on all night till like 7 in the morning with nicole and jasmine once though ahah
[x]gone too far on a dare : nope
[x]spun until you were immensely dizzy: yup
[x]taken a survey quite like this before: yes these are very common
_______My life_______
[x] name: tani...or tanya
[x] Gender: female
[x] Birthday: march 15
[x] Relationship status: ...single..
[x] Occupation: Student
[x] I’m feeling: sick, tired, lonely, and sad
[x] I’m listening to: moulin rouge soundtrack
[x] I’m doing: a survey....??
[x] I’m talking to: well i was talking to kyle, now im away
[x] I’m craving: CHIPS!
[x] I’m thinking of: him....
[x] I hate: the way i look and being alone and not being liked or whatever
[x] Love is: amazing if you've got it but painful if you don't but you want it
[x] Love or lust: love....but lust is fun
[x] Best love song: theres a lot....i'll be, she will be loved, over and over, all my life, back at one, everything theres so many...
[x] Is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time?: no if your really in love you probably wouldnt want anyone else unless the other person is from like a long time ago and you just still kinda love them..hard to explain
[x] When love hurts: it always does...
_______Picky ________
[x] Dog or cat: dog
[x] Short or long hair: long hair for girls and it depends for guys...but not too long
[x] Sunshine or rain: rain, but sunshine in the summer so i can go SWIMMING!
[x] Hugs or kisses: it depends who its from
[x] Summer or winter: both!
[x] Written letters or e-mails: written are more personal and fun to get, but emails are faster and stuff so yeah
[x] Play station or Nintendo: i dont really know..
[x] Car or motorcycle:
[x] House party or club:club
[x] Sing or dance: gosh hard question!! i love to sing but i love to dance so both
[x] Freak or slow dance: slow dance its just more personal, but freak dancings fun, right girls? haha
[x] How are you today? tired lonesome sick sad all those fun emotions! yipee
[x] What pants are you wearing right now? dark gray sweatpants so cozy
[x] What shirt are you wearing right now? uhhh a plain blue one
[x] What does your hair look like at the moment? back in a low bun
[x] What song are you listening to right now? everything-lifehouse, probably one of the saddest songs that exists
[x] How is the weather right now? coold but not so rainy
[x] Who was last person u talked to on the phone? merissa
[x] Last dream I can remember? uhh it had something to do with different hotels and huge water slides and pools its weird