Jun 14, 2005 12:32
i dont need anyone to amek me happy, i think my lonliness comes from teh fect i think i neeed someone, i am prefectly content with friends liek last nigth i wasnt lonely once. so fuck women im dione wiht them. if u want to have a relationship u show it and persue me a a little im sick of having to persue peoepl and haveing nothign hppen. thast some bullshit poeple think im attractive (or so im told) so they cna come to me. plus im getting in shape again so that should help. i dont need someone i think it is an extra that i would like. and yeah so fuck that. and i was thinkin bout sex today its more of a compartive contest to see who cna do the funniest looking thing whiel feelign good. it all coems dwn to connection. so fuckin isnt important unless u want top ahev soem fun it ahs nothin to do with a relationship people mad e it that way. even though thats not abd id rather share it with someoen specail. it all coems down to FUCK LIFE AND FUCK WOMEN IM DONE
xxoxoox Kevin David Tarkowski