Oct 26, 2005 20:24
GOD!!! that flexeral kicked my butt lastnight! This morning I had absolutly NO energy for Patti and I's workout. It sucked. We just gave maggie a bath tonight. She is sooo cute, and it is getting bigger everyday!! I took some pics again.. but i'm too lazy to load them and put them on here. GUESS WHAT? I fianlly made the best dinner tonight. I made a roast all by myself!! It was soooo good. Man alive, now that i'm a wife... I got some skills in the kitchen! I'm sooo excited, Sara is coming down on the 22nd and she is staying here! YAHOO!!! I'm sooo excited to see her! Josh's 21st in on the 10th... and he is going to be sooo excited about what I got him! Alright, we are going to bed. The army kicks our butts on the weekdays. Getting up at 5am. I can't wait for our 3 miler tomorrow... I love just hangingout with Patti, She is sooo crazy!!