Sweethearts Week Day 5. Call Me.

Feb 12, 2012 22:23

Arthur Kirkland tapped his pen against his desk, staring helplessly at his homework. He understood how to do the homework, but he could not focus at the moment. He usually never lost focus when it came to his homework or he like, but today was a special occasion.

A familiar ‘ping!’ went off, making the college student nearly toss his English homework to the floor as he reached for his laptop that was sitting over on his bed.

[Pancake-Paradise said:]

Madeline Williams: hi Arthur                                                                                                                    9:35 PM

Madeline Williams: did Al tell you about the record producer?                                                                  9:35 PM

You: Yes he did. He called me at midnight, going on and on about it.  What’s going on?   9:36 PM

Madeline Williams: at least you’re not here                                                                                       9: 36 PM

Madeline Williams: he won’t stop singing Blondie                                                                           9:36 PM

Madeline Williams: send help.                                                                                                                 9:36 PM

You: What song?                                                                                                                                              9:37 PM

Madeline Williams:  ‘call me’ of course                                                                                                 9: 38 PM

You: Blondie isn’t bad.                                                                                                                                   9:38 PM

You: It could be worse.                                                                                                                                                 9:38 PM

You: It could be ‘867-5309’.                                                                                                                         9:38 PM

Madeline Williams: true                                                                                                                              9:39 PM

Madeline Williams: he’s mostly sticking with Blondie though                                                     9:39 PM

You: No Lady Gaga?                                                                                                                                        9:39 PM

Madeline Williams: haha, no.                                                                                                                   9:40 PM

Madeline Williams: im sure there will be… Al told Gilbert. I’m pretty sure that Gil’s going
to come bursting through the doors any second carrying a boombox or something.           9:40 PM

You: He would do something like that.                                                                                                   9:40 PM

You: He’s back from Germany?                                                                                                                                 9:40 PM

Madeline Williams: yeah, he got back a few days ago. you haven’t heard from him yet?   9:40 PM

You: No. He’s only said a few things to me when he was in Germany. You know how
that git is                                                                                                                                                              9:40 PM

Madeline Williams: lighten up Arthur                                                                                                      9:41 PM

You: Is Alfred still singing?                                                                                                                            9:41 PM

Madeline Williams: probably. he’s upstairs now.               you should talk to him.                                 9:41 PM

Madeline Williams: hey i got to go to practice .                                                                                   9:41 PM

Madeline Williams: bye talk to you later?                                                                                              9:42 PM

You: …Yeah. Have fun. Bye.                                                                                                                         9:43 PM

[Pancake-Paradise has signed out]

Arthur sighed. Madeline hadn’t even answered his first question.

A part of him did not even want to talk to Alfred. When Alfred had called, that had been the first time they had talked in about 6 months. He talked to Madeline whenever he could.

Once upon a time, he had been close with both Madeline and Alfred, when he lived in the U.S. before he moved back to London and the two of them moved to New York. Arthur had met Alfred first, who was three years younger than Arthur. Madeline was a year younger than Alfred and had moved from Canada a year or two after Arthur had met Alfred. Madeline’s parents had passed away in a car crash and was sent to live with her aunt, uncle, and cousin - Alfred’s side. The three of them had gotten along well.

However, six months ago Arthur had moved to England to finish up college. Alfred, who had been his best friend since they met, was not happy and he said some… things and they hadn’t spoken since.

Arthur had missed Alfred… a lot. But Alfred would not talk to him. Not talking to the person who had been your best friend since you were 11 years old was hard… But what could you do. Arthur was now 21 and Alfred 18.

Another ping went on for the second time that day and Arthur turned back to his laptop.

[Hamburger-Hero signed in]

[Hamburger-Hero said:]

Alfred Jones: ARTIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                    9:56 PM

Alfred Jones: I did it artie! I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111                                                                      9:56 PM

Arthur chuckled. Alfred F. Jones never changed.

You: You told me.                                                                                                                                            9:57 PM

Alfred Jones: ack srry bout tht artie! i couldnt help myself! i was just soooo excited,
ya know!!!                                                                                                                                                         9:58 PM

Alfred Jones: im barely out of school and i got signed!!!!!!!!!!!!!1                                             9:58 PM

You: That is incredible. Did you get signed for sure?                                                                         9:58 PM

Alfred Jones: well… maybe… im waitin 4 the guys to call but im pretty sure i got it! they   9:59 PM
said they liked me alot!

You: I’m really happy for you Al.                                                                                                                               9:59 PM

He typed that with a sad smile. Once Alfred got famous, he’d forget all about Arthur Kirkland.

Alfred Jones: thanks Artie!                                                                                                                          10:00 PM

Alfred Jones: it means alot to me!                                                                                                            10:00 PM

Alfred Jones: hey… u remember 6 months ago? when you left and stuff?                             10:02 PM

You: Yes, I do.                                                                                                                                                    10:04 PM

Alfred Jones: I still mean it. every word!                                                                                                                10:04 PM

Alfred Jones: seriously artie. Im gonna become famous and im gonna go c u in England  10:04 PM

Alfred Jones: and i love you                                                                                                                        10:05 PM

Alfred Jones: I really do… u probably don’t wanna hear it… but ive loved u 4 a loooong   10:05 PM

Arthur stared at his screen. Six months ago, before Arthur had gone to the airport, Alfred had confronted Arthur and he had told him a few things.

Alfred had just gone out and said that he loved Arthur, with no hesitation at all. He kissed Arthur on the cheek and told Arthur that he wouldn’t be able to talk to Arthur until he got signed.

Arthur, of course, had been shocked. He had no clue that Alfred had felt that way. He didn’t really know his feelings about Alfred. He had always thought that Alfred was beautiful - who wouldn’t think so? Dirty blond hair, sky blue eyes, and a face that was almost always smiling. If you didn’t think he was beautiful, Arthur would honestly think that you were crazy. But he didn’t really know how he felt about Alfred. Whenever Alfred smiled at him, which was almost always

But eventually…Arthur realized that he did like Alfred in the same way. But he listened to Alfred and he didn’t talk to him until now.

You: Can I tell you something?                                                                                                                   10:06 PM

Alfred Jones: yeah what? J                                                                                                                       10:06 PM

You: I love you too.                                                                                                                                         10:09 PM

Alfred Jones: WOAH SRS?                                                                                                                            10:09 PM

You: Yes.                                                                                                                                                              10:09 PM

Alfred Jones: wow…I don’t got anything 2 say….                                                                                                10:13 PM

You: Neither do I, really.                                                                                                                               10:13 PM

Alfred Jones: when did u find out, that u… u know                                                                           10:14 PM

You: On the plane to England.                                                                                                                    10:15 PM

Alfred Jones: and u didn’t tell me! 4 shame!                                                                                        10:15 PM

You: You wouldn’t answer my calls or my texts.                                                                                                 10:15 PM

Alfred Jones: o my bad… srry again DX                                                                                                   10:16 PM

You: It’s alright. I understand that you didn’t want to talk until you got signed… Better    10:16 PM
than never I suppose?

Alfred Jones: yep!                                                                                                                                           10:16 PM

Alfred Jones: im really glad u feel the same way artie… I was afraid that u wouldn’t…       10:20 PM

You: Honestly Alfred… Why… Why wouldn’t I feel the same way?                                             10:21 PM

Alfred Jones: I dunno! I just thought… ya know… u could better than me                                              10:22 PM

You: Oh my dear God, I am in love with a mad man.                                                                         10:22 PM
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