Out of the Seven Sins What Offends You the Most?

Oct 26, 2008 17:31

1.Pride (includes Racism, superficiality)
2.Greed (stealing, selfishness)
3.Laziness (In people,leaders etc.)
4.Lust (sex driven commercialism, sex-related crimes)
5.Over-consumption (of anything)
6.Wrath (Uncontrollable fits of anger, emotion)

And what I mean with that question is which one do you catch yourself committing and absolutely hate it?

For me the hardest things to remove from my life are pride, gluttony and wrath. Not to say that I don't commit the others; laziness is a ever growing sin in my life and that's mainly from my homesickness. I want to get rid of them? But how? How can you get rid of something so familiar to you?

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. "
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