How Christianity works for me! (And how I dig your religion too.)

Mar 27, 2012 18:18

These are my beliefs: at least - today.
Discussion is welcome, but only if you are very nice and sweet about it (but my few readers always are.)

1) I believe in God.  Most days I do.  Sometimes I doubt, but I am comforted that it is okay to doubt.  Jesus said we would doubt - at least I have the mustard seed.  Maybe even more.

2) I believe that God has many names.  God is that power behind the universe.  I believe there are many ways to connect with God.  Jesus is the way that was easiest for me, so He is my way.  God does not have a gender.  I am not actually certain that we were "made in his image" at least, not in the literal sense.  So - Wankantaka, Allah, pantheon of Norse, - whatever, God has many faces.  It is how we think of God that is a reflection of our culture and ourselves.  I think that spirituality is good for us.  Sometimes the rules that we invent get a little hairy - but that's law, not spirituality.  This is how I dig your religion too.  Coexist - my favorite Christian bumpersticker.

3) I believe that God reveals her/himself through nature and science.  It's so beautiful.

4) I really really really hope there is an afterlife.  Jesus said there would be one, so - I believe in it most of the time.  It's a tough one.  I know that synapses do not fire too much after brain death.  And then not at all.  So - perhaps there is some soul of personality left after we pass on.  If there is afterlife, I believe it is happiness, consciousness soup- without a body.  Just feeling of HAPPY.  I believe everybody who wants to gets in. If Hitler would so embrace it, he's there too, and I'll be so damn happy when I am there it won't matter, I will be beyond revenge and anger.   I believe in this because of the Christian notion of forgiveness.  Also, all of the puppies and kitties you ever loved in your life will joyfully hang out with you - I'm sorry, I just can't leave them out of my heaven idea.  I have nothing to base that on - this is just what I think the God I believe in would do.  As far as people who cursed God as they lived, I dunno - the Mormons have this belief that when you get to heaven, God reveals himself, and then you're all like OH WOW COOL!  That sounds nice.  Sometimes I think that perhaps you could feel as if you spent an eternity being happy if the last thing you feel is the euphoria of death, and maybe that sets the program running somehow.  I am okay not knowing if this entire paragraph is true or not. Ill find out when I get there.

5) The bible is a library of books written by different men - and was not written by God.  Wisdom is found within!  Each book was written for a particular intended audience, with particular intended agendas, and even for different reasons, at different times.  I wish more people understood this!  Song of Solomon really is nice sexy poetry, and I believe it was written as idealized love between man and woman - and not as a metaphor for Israel, or Christ and the church.  Some books are history of Israel.  Education is needed to really understand the bible, but if somebody says they understand all of it, maybe we shouldn't listen to that person.  Im just saying - to understand better, learn Greek and Hebrew.  I do not trust blind or literal interpretations - and in fact I must reject them.

6) I reject the idea of the Devil.  No such person exists.  It is only a symbol of dumb-shit we want to do.   If you're life is so screwed up, you create a temporary hell during your life time through depression or violence.  Some people I know have been to hell and have come back.  And if hell is beyond time, there it was - you lived it, and when you remember it, you live it again.  There is no firey place with flames like a heavy metal video.  Paradise Lost is not in the bible.

7)  I am okay not knowing many answers right now.  I reject that if something doesn't make sense, it doesn't exist, or if something isn't seen, it doesn't exist.

8)  It is not important to me if Mary was a virgin or not.  I do not think it matters.  What if she wasn't?  Still worked out!  It does not change the coolness and the God-likeness of Christ.

9)  I don't really groove on "Jesus IS God"  - one and the same or that Jesus is greater than God.  I believe that the whole point of Christ was that he was flesh, so that we could relate to him as a human being.  Jesus had a briss, people!  His purpose was to reform Judaism, and he was able to do this because he had a lot of God in him, more than others did.  Therefore, he is divine.  But human.  Sometimes, I can pray to Jesus like a friend, and to God as the great spirit of the universe and I do so separately, or as if they were standing together, Spirit-Father/Mother and son.

10) I reject original sin.  People are not always sinners.  However, nobody is perfect.  God knows this.  The Easter message to me means: "God knows you are not perfect, and that is okay - no matter what."  I think this is why Jesus had to be killed - just to tell us that.  Not because we are inherently evil.  The most perfect person on Earth died so that his message, whatever He intended it to be, would resonate.  And I don't think He even knew how it would, and how many it would help and comfort.

11) Adam and Eve is a nice Hebrew myth.  "Let there be light" is a beautiful description of the Big Bang.  And I believe God - the spirit(s) of the universe made it happen.

12) Bans against homosexuality, not eating Ham, etc. are Jewish law because it helps people have a nice, healthy, Jewish family.  Many of those laws do not apply in an overpopulated, industrialized society that has refrigerators and condoms.  Also, the bible embraces polygamy - so...recognize.  Jewish society was patriarchal, and this is why we have a traditionally male God.  This is why one of my favorite bible verses is this: 
    35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’a]">[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’b]">[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Meaning - Jesus's mission was to reform the Jewish teachings that were bogged down in law, the kind that prevented someone from lifting his sick bed on the Sabbath - so - eat some ham, but don't be a jerk to people.

13) Paul totally had an agenda by saying that women should cover their heads and be quiet in church.  Hats are pretty fly though.

14) I believe most people are good, and do dumb things, and that is what "evil" is.  Also, it sucks to be mentally ill.  I wouldn't even call that evil.  Hurting others is dumb.  Lots of dumb too much is evil.  Thinking is good.  Thinking about others is very good.  But leave self sacrifice to Jesus.

15) I believe that God wanted us to love and enjoy our physical lives, God's gift to us.  But when life gives you lemons, Jesus told us it get's better afterlife.  Jesus lived in a tough time, guess he had to sell that afterlife thing.

16) I reject that sex is evil or dirty.  I reject that purity= virginity.  It doesn't.  Sex is a part of the gift of life.  God likes it when you orgasm, or it wouldn't exist!  God does not like it when you are stupid (see evil) and ruin the good life God wants you to have.

17) Suffering is not really created by God.  It's part of his machine that serves nature - where things must die.  God is sad when you are sad and is happy when you are happy.  If the Clockmaker of the universe wants to, and if you pray, and sometimes even when you don't, God can use science to make suffering end.  And God does - and is active in our lives.  I guess if God wants to punish you or smack you upside the head he can, maybe its on a case by case basis.  I don't know.  I think God does hold us responsible - as science does - cause and effect, bad or good things can happen.

18) Guilt can tell you when you've been a jerk to somebody, but don't spend too much time on it. Hang onto it when you need to.  Don't use it to hurt yourself too much.

Off topic, but Aetheism is not a religion.  It's nothing.  It's plausible, and usually means that someone has been thinking. but ...I do my religion thing because I like it, and I like the above things, and because I see God in nature, so - I cannot be an atheist.  If you are an Aetheist, that's fine, but don't try to hurt me with that.  It will not be effective.  just annoying.

Sometimes I am embarrassed to be a Christian because many Christians do not think my way.  You know what I mean.  But I am one.  And in this context, I am proud to be, and it makes me a better person.  I will raise Christian children to enrich their lives, but I hope to tell these ideas too.

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