Summertime list

Jun 23, 2008 20:43

7.  Put up 6 pints of strawberry jam (Dobby Jam) that *did* set!  (Excited about this, because none of my strawberry jam from last year set, though all the other jams did.  Thought it was something with me and strawberries)
8.  Double-dug teeny-tiny 3' x 4' section of one of the veggie beds, planted pole beans (two kinds, a purple and a yellow, don't remember the varieties right now) and parsnips, the whole packet of them, dammit.  Last year I had about 3 parsnips come up.  And since these are in the double-dug section, they should do a lot better than last years.  One hopes.
9.  Helped NOD make a scarecrow, which is now gracing a pole that is part of The Potato Keep (called so b/c I was going to make a potato tower, but got bigger).  Though, we really need a scaresquirrel.
10.  Weeded NOD's little section of garden so she can plant her flower we bought yesterday.

That was today.  Yesterday I...
11.  Went to Black Sheep Gathering, got all excited and bought a book on knitting socks and some sock yarn, and then panicked.  Book I bought assumes one knows how to knit and purl.
12.  Called
kanderson321 to beg for help.
13.  Took kids to Down to Earth and got some veggie starts and a flower for NOD's garden.  Bought Cayenne peppers, basil, and dill.  Am now growing some things I did *not* start from seed.

Projected for tomorrow:  Help NOD write thank-you notes.  Patch husband's and NOS's pants.  Hike at Mt. Pisgah!

relping, summer, garden, lists

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