application → hometrail

Oct 29, 2010 00:02

player info.
name/handle: Rog
contact info: ciao.vespa @ gmail; on AIM: cinder heartbeat
personal journal: doihearawaltz
previous characters: None.

character info.
character name: Howell, Carl
canon & medium: Glee; television program.
age & species: 47 - his age has not been stated in canon, and as such I'm going with John Stamos' age; human.
appearance: un - deux
timeline: After the school musical is canceled in the episode The Rocky Horror Glee Show.
background/history link: @ the glee wiki; please ignore the more subjective comments in the history section. Note: It was said in some early press material that Carl would be revealed to have been part of a boy band in the 80's; as this has been neither confirmed nor denied since then, I will be citing it as true, meaning he would have spent a year or two on the road after finishing his undergraduate degree.

personality: Put simply, Carl Howell is a nice guy. A thoroughly sociable sort of person, he isn't necessarily the first person to come to mind when the word 'dentist' is mentioned, at least not as things are now. His way of approaching conversations varies depending on whether he's talking to one of his own gender or the fairer sex, the former bringing out a bit more of his frat boy side (the word 'bro' very quickly makes its way back into his vocabulary when he's around guys), and the latter throwing a more flirtatious bent to his mannerisms. At this point in his life, this is less a conscious decision than a habit, although it is one that developed over time. Though this particular insecurity isn't quite so apparent, he is victim to a certain need to be well-liked and a desire to be cool (and hip, as should be at least a little obvious from a few bits of lingo that remain in his vocabulary that aren't quite what you'd expect out of a man in his forties). It's easier to get what you want if you can get people to like you; while he isn't a manipulative person per se, he is fairly shrewd. The other thing that makes it easier to get what you want is being handsome, and Carl is at least mostly aware that that's exactly what he is, or at least more so than the average man on the street. However, it's a fact that he breezes over whenever it's brought up, and he manages to be (or at least seem) confident without coming off as egotistical.

He puts effort into being likable, and for the most part, he's an easy person to get along with. He does his best to put the people around him at ease, and is usually happy to find a compromise if any issue crops up, with the notable exception falling into the field of love. If someone starts trying to get between him and his girl, he won't stand for it. While he tries to be a gentleman about things, if playing nice doesn't work, he isn't afraid to get confrontational, as demonstrated when he pulls Will down a few notches by calling him out in front of a number of students.

On the subject of love, he tries his best to be a good boyfriend. His personal lifestyle is fairly carpe diem; if he feels like something ought to be done, he won't necessarily think of the consequences before gunning for it. This puts him on pretty much the opposite end of the spectrum as Emma. That said, it does help things that he's a relatively fastidious sort - his profession demands it. Dental tools don't clean themselves! In relation to his interactions with Emma, it is implied that he is both a patient and encouraging person, as, since Emma's first mention of their having gone on a few dates to his actual arrival onscreen, her mysophobia has died down to the point that he takes her to a midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in the dirtiest theater in town. (He is also completely smitten. To say that he adores her would be no understatement.) He places a high value on honesty, particularly in the context of a relationship.

While not entirely a part of his personality, technically speaking, it is probably worth noting that he's a very physical (and visual) person. On the shallowest level, he is a firm believer in the adage that the clothes make the man, and as such, he dresses appropriate to his pay level (that is to say, very well). When it comes to body language, he knows how to hold himself so as to cover up any insecurities without putting on a front that's intimidating (to most people, at least).

Although his habit for going straight in for the kill whenever he wants something might suggest otherwise, he's a dedicated man. His profession is something that he takes very seriously, to the extent of pursuing the administration at his local high school in an effort to persuade them to let him come in and give a talk on the importance of oral hygiene. When offered the chance to come in and talk to the glee club, he takes it immediately, and upon discovering that some of the students had terrible teeth, proceeded to schedule appointments with all of them to help out. Dentistry is also something he refuses to really joke about (with the exception of a brief comparison between the anesthetic used in his office and roofies).

abilities: He doesn't have any supernatural abilities, but he does possess the typical skill set of a good dentist.

any plans for your character here? It's always fun to see how a character will begin to adapt to a new environment. I'd like to see how Carl does in this one; while he'll have a few familiar faces around, I definitely want to socialize him outside of his comfort zone and see how he'll react. He hasn't been out of his depth for a while.

possessions:· one dark grey suit jacket (with light purple/white lining)
· one pair of dark grey slacks
· one black button-down dress shirt
· one black leather belt (silver buckle)
· two black dress shoes
· one pair of black briefs
· one cell phone (undetermined model)
· one silver wristwatch
sample journal entry: Sample here @ dear_mun re: apping anywhere.

third-person sample: He'd tried to like Will Schuester. He really had. Will had seemed like a swell enough guy - Emma had to have liked him for a reason, right? But after hearing what had happened after Will had asked her to help him out with one of the numbers in the show (Will was playing Rocky, now? Really?), he'd pretty much had the last straw. While Carl liked to think of himself as a fairly patient man, the idea of another man fooling around with his girlfriend - after promising to stay away, no less - wasn't one that he intended to let lie. His trust wasn't something that he gave away easily, and Will Schuester had broken it completely.

What he did hadn't required any premeditation. Were this a battle (and in some ways, it was), his was the army that charged in, relying purely on being in the moral right - which, luckily, counted for a lot more in this kind of confrontation than it did in any real war - and the full intent to give the other side a piece of his mind. To a certain degree, he could see where Will was coming from. Judging by what Emma had chosen to tell him, things between her and Will had been nothing if not complicated, and letting go was never the easiest thing to do, particularly not when the person you were letting go was quite as lovely (at least by Carl's estimation) as Emma Pillsbury.

Still, there was a reason why things had turned out the way they had - meaning the fact that she'd chosen him and not Will -, and he was going to have to insist that Will respect the lady's wishes. Confrontation didn't come very high on his list of favorite things, but what had to be done, had to be done. And in this case, that meant cutting through the middle of 'There's A Light (Over At The Frankenstein Place)' and asking what the hell was going on.

He'd been dubious about the show selection to begin with, but had been willing to put it aside in the absence of any glaring oddities and his own soft spot for the cult classic. The news, as it were, failed to surprise him completely, and on some level, he was more indignant that the students had put so much effort (hell, he'd put so much effort) into a production that, in the end, had been a dupe.

As such, when he strode onto the stage in full Eddie gear, voice cutting over the orchestrations, he was hardly lacking in conviction.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Schuester! You been messing with my woman?"

# out of character, @ hometrail, # application

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