Aug 09, 2006 02:14
*Sigh* I've had five beers.
That poor girl. That's somewhat pretentious of me to say, but I really do feel bad for her. I found a bit out about her history tonight, and although I'm not too surprised or shocked by these developments, I definitely wish I could make her feel better. Like anybody else, she's got her scars, and I really hope that I can somehow help her along the way. She made quite the impression upon me, even before any kissing happened, and I hope she knows that.
Natural guy instinct? No. I don't think so. She's a wonderful person, one of those few people I've come across that I reflect interest in, who I enjoy her company more than just the typical cute girl.
Hmm. I just hope I can be her knight, and save her from whatever is hurting her. (Corny) I know that's a lame concept, and you can probably chalk that up to guy nature, who knows. I do have quite the thing for her, and whether or not it goes anywhere is part of a whole series of questions that keeping running over and over again in my head. Do I even want a relationship? Can I tolerate another Dec. 2nd, 2004? Can I tolerate the stress of afterwards? Am I what she really wants? Is she really want I want? Most of these doubts and worries are probably trite and non-existent, but my mind can't help but infinitely worry about whether or not these questions will ever be answered, and if the answer will make me happy.
I wonder if she'll ever read this.
In other news, my parents despise each other, and refuse to deal with the larger problems at hand. God, it fucking kills me inside. It does. This whole summer they've done nothing but get on each other's case for the stupidest of shit, and dragging me into the middle of it.
I know I've rambled on and on about it, and it's gotten to the point where all I can do is simply drink, yell at them, close my eyes and wait for school to start so I can get away from them. Because hiding from problems is just simply more fun.
I just don't know.