Because I Haven't Updated Since August

Sep 24, 2012 09:12

Financial troubles might be easing so my depression is too. Not counting those chickens before the hatch, though. j has yet to find a full time teaching gig somewhere and while we can survive with him getting substitute pay there is *no* wiggle room and no place to start building up savings. He's slowly going through his comics collection and using a website that helps evaluate worth based on current market and condition of the books, and even if we get half of what the estimated value is, that's a good chunk of the down payment on the house-- or survival money. It all depends on his job situation.

I should have gone out for Lotus this weekend, but getting myself to do anything when I'm not at work is hard right now. The depression isn't, like, weepy, nihilistic, I hate myself depression. I just don't want to do anything but fuss with my music project, play TF2 ,and read fanfic. I do get up to clean sometimes, so hey! And I went out Sunday and played bingo, because what the hell. I love bingo.


Every time I think the fandom bug has bitten me for the last time, another one comes along. JCA was my last fan freak out, and that was getting on 10 years ago, so I was pretty sure I'd grown out of it, but, oh, TF2, where did you come from? I love you! Writing ideas! Fan art ideas! Fanmix ideas (and have made a couple of those). Porn ideas! It's glorious.


Counted up my finished projects at work today: I have completed 44 books and covers since starting a year and change. Jeezum pete, no wonder I haven't had time for a lot of my own art! FORTY FOUR complete books, most of them at 10 illustrations a pop. That's a lot of drawing.

depression, tf2, life, work

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