May 05, 2010 18:00
Today I found out that two of my friends broke up a few days ago. It was an amiable split, it was as if they were never going out at all (indeed, the reason was that they weren't going anywhere as a couple and were better off as friends).
Yesterday, one of the long term couples (long term by teenage standards, they'd been dating since last year) broke up. Provided, it's a girls school so we only have one half of the story but it makes me think a little, makes me reconsider what we have.
"Very few things matter and nothing matters very much."
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
Just something that's been making me think lately.
There really are very few things that matter and many of them are intangible. They're so worth fighting for that everything else pales in comparison. It's easy for me to get caught up in little frustrations and think that everything is wrong wrong wrong when I've been through worse things or when others are worse off than me. Or even just because I've been overthinking things. So every time I start freaking and stressing out, I'll try to ask myself: Does this really matter? Is it going to make me any happier if I have it?
I can't guarantee that it'll cure my stress but lately it's been doing the trick. Fingers crossed I'll catch myself before I get too sad.
taking action