Feb 28, 2003 00:18
Last night I was driving down State St. (the popular downtown, hangout street in town) and in a restaurant window I spotted the back of someone’s head. It looked like Kurtis' head to me and sitting across from this head that looked like Kurtis' head was a very pretty girl. She was much prettier than me and thinner and had excellent hair and arms and suddenly I felt really horrible.
I was a lot more upset then I thought I would be, so thank god it wasn't him, but some back-of-Kurtis'-head look alike. The thing is, he very well could have a girlfriend just as pretty if not prettier.
I also talked to my store manager on the phone yesterday and she asked me (as she always does because it's her little joke) "How's your boyfriend Kurtis?"
I laughed, told her to shutup and then said "He's fine." I was joking about my knowledge of his well being of course but she gasped and said "So you're going out with him now?"
Me going out with Kurtis?! Where in the world would that kind of miracle be possible?
I told her as much. "Please Lorraine, I could never date him. He's way too cute for me."
"He is not. You guys would make a cute couple."
Did I mention how much I love my store Manager?