(no subject)

Oct 26, 2004 20:05

he brought me soup when i felt like shit. he brought it in a bag with my favorite animals on it. being told i look beautiful when im at my worst floods my eyes with tears...happy ones of course. looking up my name on google images and sending the pictures back and forth between jackie ali and myself made up for my being home alone all day. sadness and lonesome isnt even in the picture anymore. I have the BEST best friend i could ever ask for...and ive decided he deserves another chance because he can change and as jackie said....FUCK IT! aside from embarrasment..things seem to be coming together for me and my loved ones and i lOVE it. i hope i will see him this weekend because the butterflies are no longer from my sickness or in-completeness..if thats a word. im happy and i love it.

--never forgot the time you made me feel alive when death was on my mind, or when you held onto me when the world let me fallbehind; you were love to me rather than just a word, a friend was all you were and it changed my heart. you stood next to me through the storm, felt the wounds and kept me warm; something i had never seen before....and i thank you--
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