Jan 21, 2005 22:29
Ugh... why has this week been sucking sooooo much??
The high points:
mari moving into the dorms, so I get to see her more often, everyone is up there, so I go there often, and I get out of the house. Also got cancersore medicine to numb it, doesn't hurt anymore, cant feel a damn thing.
The goddamn piss me off till monday points:
Wednesday (see previous update for info)
Thursday: missed out on pizza till after class, when it was cold, and had to run to bank 5 mins later.
Today: work... then dentist, and back to work. No lunch, no break, on my feet the whole time standing in one spot. My feet hurt. Then come home and mom wants me to shovel and go get wood. blah.
I was gonna take a nap, because i've been up way too early for the past few days, and I have to get up at 7 for the next 2 days. After getting wood, and eating dinner, and cleaning up after that. scifi fridays is on and i'm not missing that for a nap. damnit. So now i'm tired, angry at mom, and yeah.
Then, on monday, my only day off, i'm taking my car to the scoob dealership to see if I can get that damn cel fixed w/ the scholarship money.
Mom of course is bitching at me for spending it. sorry bitch, the scoob's gotta be fixed, the longer I put it off, the worse it'll get. Not only that, but really I need a new battery ($100) so I know she's gonna bitch about that too.
I need to get out of the house, but I dont make enough money to move out, I dont have enough time to work more, and work doesn't have any more hours for me.
Backed into a corner, i'm the dog just taking the shocks from the electrified floor.