(no subject)

Dec 24, 2004 22:47

Well, opened all my x-mas presents from mom & jim tonite.  This is because we are leaving for downstate early tomarrow morning, and it's just easier to do it tonite.  Anyway, didn't get anything I asked for (other than the clothes).  I got:

Remote Starter (lets just hope I get used to not leaving my car in gear, lol)
2 tap lights (mom said they were supposed to be trunk lights, and she walked in as I was unpacking the one I bought, again lol)
Little subaru toy (hey, it dances!!!)
Small tool set (pretty much useless, but hey, at least she tried)
DVD: something that I dont remember
DVD X Copy (but no DVD burner, useless? hopefully it's enough to return and get a game)
a bundle of clip art
another 64meg thumbdrive ( mabye i'll give this one away, lol.)
a friggin microwave (can we say WTF mate???)
a spindle of CD's
a TON of CD cases
CD cleaner kit
Couple pairs of pants
Couple of sweaters
Pair of pajama's
2 NCMC pencils, a sharpener, and a pencil grip thingy... Umm... I though I was out of middle school???
more AA batteries (even though i've still got a choir pack left over from last year... I need AAA's)

There's probably more that i'm not remembering, but all in all... It's the thought  that counts.

Let's see what I get tomarrow (downstate, plus nana and poppa to whom I sent a list of subie stuff)


Oh, and my boss cindy gave me a bowl of puppy chow (the good chex-mixy chocolate/penut  butter/powerdered sugar stuff), and work gave me $10.

$170 twords the car (book buyback).  $110 for optima red top battery? or wait for erin's ~$70 and get lightbar??? decisions decisions (evil grin).
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