Bugs are scary.

Sep 26, 2007 10:43

I was sitting here at my computer just reading some LiveJournal, and I noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye. It was a long, many legged bug of some kind with very long, wispy antennae. It came to a stop for no apparent reason, right out in the open. I knew I had to get the thing. Drinking glass, no. Piece of paper? Maybe if I weren't so squeamish. Ah-ha! A pair of thick soled slip-on shoes.

I reached over and started to swing the door closed so I could reach it easily. All the while expecting it to sense the movement and start running up the wall. Lucky for me, it didn't. And even as I approached it with the shoe it didn't show any signs of running. Perhaps it was tired of its life as a grotesque bug thing, and knew I had a reputation as a fearsome bug killer. Perhaps it was ready to go. SMACK!

When I took my shoe away from the wall, I didn't see any bug guts or anything on the wall, and found myself slightly disgusted by the fact that they must be on the bottom of my shoe. I put the shoe on a piece of paper on the floor. I sat back in my chair and contemplated my heroic deed, the sensation of my pulse racing, my heart pounding, and how it is that I was completely thrilled after completing this typically mundane task.

yuck, excitement, bugs

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