Sep 08, 2007 12:15
So I managed to survive my first week :D
This will only be a short post (no, really!) because I'm online at the library ... still no internet at my house. I'm not overly happy with that situation, but once I do get online more comfortably, I'll post the massive update that I've been doing on my computer since going offline. Don't worry, I'll use cuts, so I won't take up too much space on your friends page :P
Lots to tell, so much to tell ... too much for right now (library access is on a time limit, of course). Suffice it to say that I'm still alive. My mobile number has remained the same, and is functioning once again (ran out of fundage - grrr), so please do feel free to call/text. Especially Pam -- I need to ask a favour of you, m'dear!
I'll be very glad to get my internet access back -- not only will I be able to reconnect with all my LJ, Facebook, GW and Sanctuary forum pals, but I will have my Canada phone once again :D So missing my connectivity atm....
Right, so I hope all is going well with everyone. It will be at least a week and up to 3 more weeks before I'm online again -- eep :( I had to sign a contract at school saying that I wouldn't use their system for personal use during school time, but I need to find out if by 'school time' they mean while students are there, or ... well.... at all :P Ah well -- at least there's the library! Thank heavens for local libraries :D
Miss y'all terribly -- hope life is treating you alright, and like me, you are surviving everything thrown at you thus far!