'nother quickie

Dec 04, 2005 19:13

Right so today was a typical Sunday. Got dragged to Church by the collar this morning and spent the entire sermon daydreaming about Gackt, the current story Rach and I are doing, Abgek, and when Vonny gets home. Next there was about 20 minutes of laying around 'recovering'. Made a sandwich and started watching TV. Then my mom asked me to be her test hamster for her current photography deal. It took three hours from start to finish. But that was okay because we went to CVS and I got to read all the gossip magazines they had. Found dirt on the Harry Potter crew which was interesting. Then I came home and was forced to bake my first ever round of gingerbread cookie.

GINGERBREAD SUCKS TO MAKE!!! 9 cups of flour = hell to stirr and kneed with molasses and brown sugar. Grrrrrr my fellow art club peoples had better appriciate it. But at least our Gingerbread Hogwarts will look great! ^^

I'm so freakin' excited! Rach's birthday is coming up. I have her present and her card all ready to go along with a little surprise extra for school in order to let people know that she's 18 on Friday. The hardest part will be trying to sit idly for that long. I always have such a hard time waiting to give people presents. And then Vonny gets home on Saturday! WHOO HOO! Doesnt get much better then that!

Tinkered around with my Gackt shrine at MySpace today. Now I have a bunch of surveys and decorative things on the introduction page but I'm not done with it just yet. Gotta find a Gackt MP3, a Gackt background, and to play with the colors some. Speaking of Gackt, like the icon? *grins stupidly* rather insulting to him but I thought it was downright hilarious. Oh how I love Gackt! But more about that on my MySpace. Go look at it damnit! ^^ http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=38583670&Mytoken=53039c6e-1494-443c-9021-6d56ab4ae4d3

I DEMAND to know what FOOL thinks that little face is anything short of cute and adorable. *snarls rabidly* FUCKING POACHERS!! Greedy people who think that all animals are abundant and can be used however we wish to. NEWS FLASH! Some animals are too exotic to kill! THAT'S WHY IT'S ILLEGAL! Damnit poachers piss me off. ><

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