Somebody quick! Grab the butterfly net! My brain's gonna float out the window!
Mom decided to have round 2 at playing Invading Psycho-wench. What did she take this time? MY CLOTHES! YES! My goddamn CLOTHES! For crying out loud I had to steal back my school uniform this morning. She's totally out of control and I REALLY wish she'd get off her damned power-trip already. And she tells me to pull my head outta fantasy-land...*rolls eyes*
School's becoming a real hassle. My homeroom/journalism/world lit teacher is no. 2 on the school's Nazi rank. Mrs. Svetec's a great teacher mind you. By the time she's done chewing you out you'll know your stuff but the PAIN aquiring the knowledge involves makes me question 'Is it worth it?' I swear the woman piles 20 pounds of work on you and isnt the least bit forgiving if you either miss an assignment. Then there's the demerits if you're late (she'll give you a 3 point D. if you're a second late) and you know the first words outta her mouth during all her introduction speeches at the beginning of the year are? "You will NOT get an 'A' in my class." The woman LIVES to knock kids off the honor roll and ruin thier chances of getting into the good colleges. The Journalism class is a bitch b/c she'll suddenly announce 'Alright, you, you, and you! You all have three articles due tomorrow, schedual interviews with people. The rest of you! Design a newspaper page, due at the end of the period and worth 100 points."
Honestly how much crap must a person take in thier daily activity? I should've listened to my friend Sarah who vehemently warned me not to take the Journalism class. Sorry Sarah!!
Art club's meeting agian tomorrow after school. Yay! The first project we're doing is painting the art room and hence stripping it down of all the reminders of the dreaded Sister Maryanne (last year's art teacher...most people CHEERED upon hearing she left). We're gonna redo everything, from the window shades to the cabinents. The mantra seems to be GET RID OF SISTER!!! What's really gonna be funny is when we paint over this one mural in the room that's been there for the past 15 years. Mr. L, our wonderful art teacher said that painting was there when HE attended the school. So naturally we're all like "YEAH that thing's gone!"
Speaking of art class I cant help but wish that the overall class was a little more challenging. Honestly one of the most annoying things I've found in about just about every art class I've attended is that the teachers stamp 'A's on everything b/c it'll offend someone if they get a failing grade (even if the work's truly $#!%). I <3 Mr. L to death but he does that same bloody thing! Somebody save my sanity 'cause it's about to fly out the window.
Speaking of art, might as well put a little something of mine up! Now I'm a rabid Kingdom Hearts and Tim Burton fan so naturally when inspiration hit I couldnt help but draw a tiny tribute to both. Behold my masterpiece (not really, I despise the way Donald came out) Welcome to Halloween Town
Like it? Unfortunately my scanner wasnt big enough to get everything on it but the stuff that's cropped is easily envisioned. Like the tip of the Spiral Hill and the Moon. Psh, we all know what those look like. Oh well, but I still HATE HATE HATE the way Donald came out and I'm kicking myself for not making his bandages lighter! AURGH!!!