Icon Tutorial #3 (Colouring): Rukia Blue Moon [Beginners; Photoshop/GIMP]

Oct 26, 2011 09:34

Okay, so these Photoshop and GIMP tutorials are geared more towards newbies, hence the many pretty, colourful pictures. <3

I just tried out GIMP today so that I can sort of translate the Rukia colouring (because I just like it) from Photoshopalese to GIMPlese for my bbs. Yeah, like I'm in the place to call them that. They're old enough to be my grandmothers. XD


Program: Photoshop CS5
Steps: 6
Difficulty: Easy-peasy. 8D

( For Photoshop users. )


Program: GIMP 2
Steps: 16 (though some can be omitted)
Difficulty: Uber easy. Like, seriously. 8D

The final icon is a bit brighter than the one made with Photoshop. That's basically because GIMP doesn't have Exclusion layers to mute the colours, but it still works all the same, so. x3

( For GIMP users.)
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