Modly Things

Jan 15, 2011 08:52

This is your last reminder to make icons or headers for us. Voting will go up tomorrow night. And we haven't had any new submissions since the last reminder. You can find all the information on both challenges and submit your icons HERE in the Original Entry

Um...I have no applications even though you guys voted you'd like one over a hiatus. I understand co-modding is a lot to take on - so remember if you'd like it could just be through the month of March which usually works out to be just two challenges. You can submit your application HERE at the original request post

Poll Results
As I'm sure you've seen, we are now doing a 'best over all icon' voting and the winner gets to pick one of the theme challenges for the next week. I already have the the theme from last weeks challenge winner.

The over all request was to have a co-mod take over in March, so co-mod application post has already been posted...

And lastly, the majority of you liked the idea of us linking to your graphic journal (or your personal journal if that's where you post your icons). Please comment here with the location of your graphic journal and I'll be happy to add a section to our user info when I update with the new header. This is not a requirement. If you'd rather your journal not be linked to, then no worries, I won't be hounding you for this or surfing around looking for your journal to add it. This is just something to help you promote your journal and graphics if you'd like.

And lastly, I wanted to remind you guys that we have a TON of affiliates on our user info! If you are looking for some new places to 'play' you might want to check them out. If you run a community and we aren't affiliated please request here if you'd like to. I'll be cleaning up this list hopefully next month.

Thank you for making this place so wonderful! I love modding here and I greatly enjoy the positive environment that you all bring! If at any time you have any questions or comments or suggestions please feel free to let me know. All the comments are always screened, or you can always PM ME in my personal journal.

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