May 01, 2005 19:17
alright so this weekend has been yet anothing interesting one.
after school on friday we went to golf and messed around there for a bit. its almost over :( im gonna miss it...
but yesh, did all that theeen i made a trip out to Roseville to pick something up. Gratiot is my new favorite road :D annnd then came home to figure out what was goin on for that night and yeaah we sooooo went to Lifetime at 10 :D
saturday uhhh OH kate and i went shopping. we went to the village and she almost tripped and died. well she DID trip...but i saved her life so she didnt die. yaaay! :D haha anyyywho shopping DEFINATELY bombed in my face but thats alright..i wasnt really in the 'mood' so take that.
mmmm then we went home annnd i took a nap cause saving her dang life took alot outta me so yes, i slept.
later that night kayla came and picked me up and our orginal plans fell threw so we drove around for a good 2 1/2 hours :D i love that girl.
hmmmm then Fo called me around 1ish to have me go over Nate's friends house. so after the horrible directions givin to us ;) kayla dropped me off over there where i met Andrew :D what a cool kid haha
so yes ended up watching Super Tropers and didnt leave there til about 4
theeen we came back to my house and crashed
good night i must say :D
annnnd today i didnt do much, i aint gonna lie lol
i did work out..
bonded with the rents
and yes
now im debating on whether i wanna make it an early night or not
buh bye loves!