April rocks.

Jan 05, 2006 00:17


This is gonna just be a bizarro entry, but that's me for ya. I'm sitting here, reading April's lj champagnereplay and some of her friends replies, and thinking "This girl just has awesome friends." She doesn't seem to realize it a lot of the time, either, which is always good. She's just this smart, funny girl that I would have loved to have known when I was younger. Not that I'm not happy to know her via internet now, I just think if I lived closer to her and was 6-8 years younger, she would have been a great friend to have. I'm not doing this post to suck up to her or anything, because I really have no need to be doing that. I just felt the urge to give this public cyber-hug to her. Well, not public, since all my posts are locked now, but maybe I'll make this one public.

I also appreciate that she posts various things like the fact that Neil Patrick Harris may be gay, which, although it broke my heart, it's good to know.

Not to mention that she made me this kick@$$ Zach/Mandy icon, because they're uber-cute.



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