Best. Day. Ever.

Mar 01, 2006 23:14

Not really EVER, but pretty damn good, nonetheless. First off, I got my girl scout cookies, and several people commented on the quantity of cookies (for the record, 5 boxes for an entire year is not too many cookies, thankyouverymuch). I also had an interim 90 day review. It went really well, apparently I'm exceeding many of my Team Lead's expectations of me. Hooray me. After work I went bowling for the wednesday night bowling/cheap beer night. The first two games were about par for the course for me, 104 and 103, respectively. The third game however. I don't know what came over me, maybe it was the third beer or something, but I totally bowled a 195!!! (that was a 283 with my handicap) It was incredible. I'm awesome, I know.

In other news, my roommate told me last night that he was interested in getting 2 bedroom place for he and his daughter rather than renewing our lease here (which is what we've talked about since like may...) which means that I would be either looking for a different roommate or finding a place of my own. At first I was bit pissed, but once I started poking around online, I discovered that there are loads of places in my price range in the south campus/victorian village area, and I imagine over in the grandview area as well (I'd really love to live in grandview) I'm going to go check out places in grandview tomorrow to see what I can find out. It's gonna suck cuz I'll have to do it after work, but I can at least roam around and look and stuff. But, now I'm really looking forward to having my own place and not having to deal with roommate bullshit.

Okay, well, my girlfriend is currently laying on her side of the bed, probably falling asleep, so I think I'm going to go over there and join her.
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