Oct 21, 2008 15:45
1. For my college applications to be done and mailed
2. For this whole college mess to be over with, actually
3. For my cold to be gone (stupid cold of doom)
4. A huge bag of Candy Corn (or a Caramel Apple -- I'm not picky)
5. For my dad and Murphy to get over themselves and admit they have a thing
6. For Wilson to be coming by to make dinner (not really feeling pizza with the cold and all)
7. To have gotten my Halloween Costume already (I have ideas but I still have to go pick it out)
8. To not have to go to school tomorrow
9. To win this afternoon's lacrosse came (Yes, I'm playing with a cold. I'm Captain. It's what we do)
10. Did I already mention the thing with Murphy and my Dad?