Jan 17, 2008 12:39
I love birthdays, especially the cake. I had my cake last weekend though. Hopefully I will get to do something fun tonight though. If anything I can get some coffee. I never really know what to say about my birthday except I always get annoyed that I was born at 4:01am. The extra minute drives me crazy and I assume it's reason for my ridiculous time preoccupation which makes me constantly worry about being late or forgetting an appointment. Oh, I am excited though because Mindy has another ultrasound today. As of today, she is 7 months pregnant.
So far my classes seem pretty good. The only one I am concerned about is my digital class because Fern is teaching it. I had her for black and white and it can be frustrating at times. She seems more capable of teaching digital though so that probably a good thing. So here are my classes.
digital photography- this has an emphasis in storytelling and seems kind of fun....but I'm skeptical and since it's a non-photo major class, all the photo majors have to do extra assignments for it to count as photo
plants and society- this looks very easy, though it is evil because it's a 9am class...
lab- I was careful where I sat...the guy who is now my lab partner seems very nice and looks genuinely concerned when I got lake water on my jacket
comic book/graphic novel class- this class is super fun as would be expected and a good excuse to buy graphic novels...my collection keeps growing
photography and performance art- well the fellow teaching it, Bruce, just made this class up and I don't think anyone really knows what to think of it yet...it seems there will just be a lot of talking going on...I'm not sure how we're getting
grades...there's no syllabus or book
film in the 3rd reich- this class is pretty bad ass, we get to watch propaganda films including Triumph of the Will which is banned but we are allowed to watch it for educational purposes
Well I think that's about it. Oh yeah, I also have a new roommate who is very nice and from a small town.
* I think my sound to Brad Renfro is Flowers by Emilie Simon because everyone needs flowers at some point in their life.