Application form goes here!

Aug 21, 2007 19:10

Here is the obligatory posting of the form.

Background Info + Personality
It all started when a dollmaker named Rozen wanted to give form to Alice, who is more or less a perfect girl with supreme beauty and very pure. So he created a group of magical dolls, known as Rozen Maiden. After they're created, these dolls fight each other in a battle known as the Alice Game, where the victor becomes Alice after obtaining all of their Rosa Mysticae (a fancy term for a doll's soul). Basically, they had to kill each other.

Suiseiseki is the third Rozen Maiden doll with special powers. She and her younger twin sister, Souseiseki, are known as the Gardener Twins due to their ability to communicate and take care of plants. Using their artificial spirits, they can also enter the dreams of humans in order to find the soul trees. Suiseiseki uses her watering can to make those trees grow, as well as making gigantic tree roots emerge from the ground for battle.

There is more to the "~ desu"-abusing Suiseiseki than meets the eye... or rather her left green eye and right red eye. At first, she appears to be shy, hiding behind her sisters whenever strangers appear and having intense dislike of loud noises. However, she is a fiesty and mischievous doll with a strong temper. Not to mention that Suiseiseki is a complete attention-loving drama queen, bragging about her looks and stealing the spotlight.

Suiseiseki tends to throw lots of tantrums, tell elaborate lies and pull tricks on her youngest sister, Hina Ichigo, and cause slapstick violence towards Jun (the protagonist of RM). Also, she spills out insults and nicknames, such as calling Jun a "puny human" or Hina Ichigo "little Ichigo". Whenever things don't go as planned, she will bring out the fake tears for the dramatic effect in order to get herself out of trouble or gain sympathy.

Underneath her strong exterior, however, lies a soft spot for those Suiseiseki cares about. Despite how much she insults and beats the crap out of Jun, she does care for him a lot, even though she denies it completely. Oh, the nature of being completely tsundere towards him. As for her sisters, she loves them all and cherishes their well-being, so much that she'd rather not become Alice at all if it means killing them off. Thus, Suiseiseki is completely against participating in the Alice Game.

What she was doing while not on the island
Suiseiseki wandered around in the storage room with the mirror, planning to steal Hina Ichigo's sweets. Suddenly, she spotted a bright light emitting from the mirror. So she went in thinking it's just a regular N-Field, then lo and behold, she arrived at the island.

NOTE: An N-field is more or less a magical region of space that belongs to a Rozen Maiden, and contains elements that represent a certain doll. It can only be accessed through an object such as a mirror, for example.

Sample Post
What kind of an N-Field is this? I didn't expect it to be this tropical, much less something that appears to be a deserted island ~ desu. Clearly, this must be a mirage ~ desu! Either that or someone changed the design, but who? But why did it have to so hot ~ desu?!

Oooh, this must be that puny human's fault! He has to be the one responsible for this ~ desu! What could I have possibly done to deserve this prank pulled on me? Nothing, that's what ~ desu! I did nothing wrong at all ~ desu! Except for that one time where I told little Ichigo about the Post and how it will eat her head, and it scared her terribly, but the sight of it was highly amusing! It's not my fault she's too gullible for her own good ~ desu! But it's a perfectly harmless joke, honestly~! It wasn't as though I tried to trick her in any way... really ~ desu! Anyway, I must find a way out of this place! When I get my hands on that stupid human, he will regret trying to get rid of me ~ desu! No one removes Suiseiseki and gets away with it ~ desu!

... But first things first, ask for directions. I'm certain that this nearby palm tree would prove to be quite useful and-- ugh! What is this awful smell ~ desu? It seems like it doused itself full of beer and... ewww! It's coming from the coconuts ~ desu! How could you?? You're giving the other palm trees a bad name ~ desu!

Wait, are you saying all the palm trees here are like this? Then you have just given yourselves a horrible reputation ~ desu! Go ahead and smell like liquor for all I care... i-it's not like it matters anyway. I pity you all ~ desu. Umm... no thank you! I'm not interested in drinking the coconuts, especially if they smell so strange ~ desu. Why would I, the most charming and beautiful of the Rozen Maidens, be fooled by such a thing ~ desu?

Hehehehe~! Nice try ~ desu. Honestly, why would I fall for an obvious illusion? These filthy dingoes? They don't exist ~ desu! You're clearly underestimating me--

W-Wait a minute! I can smell them, I can see their sharp teeth... their terrible breath. Ah... please take pity on this poor, fragile soul ~ desu! I... I take back what I've said ~ desu! Now if you excuse me, this pretty doll must use her legs as they're meant to be used: to run away from danger ~ desu!

Oh, the cruelty of it all ~ desu! Someone find me the nearest exit ~ desu!

A list of things she might have on them after she got snatched up and put on this island:
- Her artificial spirit, Sui Dream
- Her watering can
- A brown case for her to sleep in
- A key to wind her up
- A small box of Pocky


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