odd duck

Jun 04, 2009 10:22

Last night I had a dream that my sister and I got lost and stuck in London traffic because I couldn't find good parking in front of the Museum of Cosmetics.  My sister was so mad at me...

Edited to add: I texted my sister about the dream, and her response was "well, they really DO need better parking at the Makeup Museum."  Ha!

But before that, I went to yoga by mistake (in real life).  I got the days messed up on the gym schedule and thought I was going to my aerobics class, but instead only got the last half hour of a cardio class and then stayed for the hour of yoga.  I hate yoga, but I felt like I hadn't worked out enough this week.  I hate it because I have carpal tunnel in my right wrist, and so it really hurts to put all my weight on it, and most yoga poses involve putting weight on your hands.  Also because yoga is based in religion, and so involves five useless minutes of lying on the floor doing nothing at the end, and I'm not good at breathing deeply into my vagina or whatever the teacher is telling me to do when my wrist is hurting.  That said, of all the yoga I've done, I liked her the most, and I do feel very loose and stretched-out today, so I might go every now and again when I feel like my wrist can handle it.

Facebook is driving me crazy lately because it seems like my friends are all parroting exactly what they saw on tv news on both sides of the political spectrum.  I've picked a few fights over the past couple days just questioning those positions, and it makes me sad.  Most of the people I'm friends with on that site I know through school, so we've had the same education, and yet I'm amazed that no one seems to be able to think for themselves.  They're smarter than just swallowing propaganda whole...right?

Have you seem zuppy28 's new trailer yet for her documentary?  It is amazing.  If the whole movie is like this, I'm going to be crying two minutes into it, I can tell.  I urge you to watch and spread the word...this is going to be special, guys.

dreams, fbook, gym, worldframe

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