It took me a few years to get it going, but finally Camp ASCCA - my favorite place in the world - is blogging!
Camp ASCCA is the world's largest outdoor therapeutic recreation center. Located on Lake Martin, in central Alabama, ASCCA is open year-round.
We've only just begun to blog, so you will be reading the initial posts introducing our staff and programs. Feel free to comment and let us know what you think.
Check out their site. The
blog is here and there is more, too. A
photo gallery, a
Flickr photo community site, a
blog for our Environmental Center, and there are other internal blogs and wikis for in-house work, too. We even have a
forum section for our former counselors and program staff members.
THe site is still going to grow beyond just these aspects. There will be closed, password protected, sections for parents to check in on their kids.
I hope you like it!