Positive things day 1.

Aug 05, 2014 19:30

OK, so I discount the positive.  It's part of the reason that I'm depressed.  The sort of thing I mean is that instead of 'I took two bags of rubbish to the tip today, yay me!' I say 'I only took two bags of rubbish to the tip, I'm pathetic.'  So I've decided to try and cast things in a more positive light and record positive things about what I've accomplished, so hear goes:

1. I took two bags of rubbish to the tip today.  It's not many but it's two bags even so and that bit closer to cleared up.

2. When I got back from the counselling I filled three more bags ready to take tomorrow before I go out

3. I wrote a couple of hundred words and knitted quite a few rounds of my current lace - this is not being idle, it's the holidays and I'm allowed to do enjoyable things.

4. I've done this, which is hopefully a positive step.
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