(no subject)

Jan 20, 2012 03:14

The first day of classes went well. I made a new friend the moment I walked in the front door who promptly led me to the wrong classroom resulting in us being 5 minutes late to our first class.

Got all the sylabuses (sylabi? sylabae? Am I even close autocorrect?) Uniform requirements, etc. Looks like the school is quite strict on equipment and dress code, which is good. It's a long way from the retirement home where my co workers would compliment my cook whites with "Bob's bronzed buns" t-shirts and Monster energy ball caps.

I have two classes on Thursday, Baking 1 and Food prep 1. Both are two hours of instruction and 4 of lab. The teachers are nice, but strict. The prep 1 teacher is a bit goofy, but knows his stuff forwards and backwards, and manages to be strict in a very non threatening way. I think I'm going to like it here.

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