{OOC: Soul Campaign App}

Aug 17, 2011 22:10


Player Name:  Button
Age: 19 (...I'll be 20 by the time this gets processed, sob)
Timezone:  PST (GMT -8)
Personal Journal:  makeshift_6
Contact Information: 
Instant Messenger: AIM/MSN: redbuttonofdoom@hotmail.com (it's private, however)
Email: perfectlydistractednoodle@gmail.com
Current Characters:  N/A
Activity Checks: N/A


Name:  Yuu Kanda
Age:  19
Gender:  Male.
Fandom: D.Gray-Man-- Manga only!
Timeline: Chapter 165, just after the zombie arc.
http://dgrayman.wikia.com/wiki/D._Gray_Man Canon wiki
http://dgrayman.wikia.com/wiki/Yu_Kanda Kanda-specific Wiki

Character Personality: Largely thanks to his traumatic and tragic past, Kanda has brought himself up to be a very closed individual with few friends within the Black Order. It isn't so much that he's entirely isolated so much that he has a deep, deep distrust for most human beings, particularly adults, and that by nature tends to cause him to hold everyone at arm's length. It's commonly said that Kanda is a cold and uncaring person due to this great distrust of others-- however, he's been shown to provide a very twisted, limited form of sympathy through distraction at times when it really matters, such as taunting Lenalee when she was afraid of Louvier after the Black Order moved locations. He's more likely to express his sympathy by pissing someone off rather than being comforting-- giving them a distraction and a way to vent out their problems on an external source.

He throws himself into his tasks with the dedication and focus a college student writing a term paper would envy, going so far as to letting himself be killed-- multiple times, thanks to his regeneration abilities-- for the sake of his missions. A particularly notable example of this is shown in the battle with Skin, one of the Noahs that control the Exorcists' enemies, the Akuma. Kanda “dies” four times during the course of the fight, once out of ignorance, once at the end, and twice by careful planning. Thanks to his regeneration, he also tends to be fairly reckless, rushing into dangerous situations and risking everything without a second thought.

Even before the tragedy in is past, however, Kanda was always a very bitter, cynical, arrogant and blunt person. The number of friends he has he can count on one hand, and the number of people he actually likes is fewer than that. The current total of people he likes is at 2, one of which he believes is dead. Really, most sincerely dead, seeing as he thought he killed that person himself. The other person is Lenalee, whom he's described in the drama cds as being “like a sister”. In his interactions with her, it's shown that he's more than just a coldhearted bastard-- he does care, at least enough to listen to her problems and berate her a little for them. Just enough to pull her out of her self-pity for awhile, but nothing more. However, to everyone else, he doesn't seem to be concerned over their problems at all, if they don't affect him or his mission. In his and Allen's first mission together, he even abandons him to fight the enemy alone, knowing he'd probably either get killed or at least badly injured, for the sake of protecting the Innocence they came to get, callously telling his partner that it's his fault for rushing in head-first in the first place. But as soon as Allen's mental state starts to jeapordize the mission, Kanda yells at him that he “hates guys who can't keep a promise” even worse than the naïve person he sees Allen to be. (Allen had promised to protect a pair of people, but had failed to stop the level 2 akuma they were fighting.) This brusque comment gets Allen up and fighting again, to show his worth-here, again, Kanda shows his slightly more supportive side, even though it's highly disguised under vast amounts of animosity.

Character Abilities:  Kanda was created to be a super Exorcists, essentially, and has super strength, speed, and the ability to heal his injuries ridiculously faster than the average human being. The flip side to his healing ability is that it drains his life energy, although his blood, if it gets on someone else's wound, will heal other people's injuries (as shown when he bleeds on the dying Marie). He is also capable of wielding Mugen, a holy weapon formed from Innocence that is used to fight the Akuma, mechanical weapons that feed on the energy of dead souls. As such, he has very highly refined skills in martial arts and sword fighting, as well as all the miscellaneous exercises needed in a tough fight (running, recognizing good places for cover, etc). From his years in training, he also has excellent hand-eye coordination, and can adapt fairly easily to any physical task he is determined to take up.

Kanda is far from educated, but his logic and on the fly reasoning skills are not to be ignored. When facing an unknown enemy, he will examine the problem, look for weaknesses, develop a tactic to strike at it, and try again if it fails. He runs on logic, looking for the reasons behind things that otherwise don't make sense. He also tends to analyze other people with the same reasoning; everyone and everything is a threat to him, so knowing how they work is the best way to keep on guard. While this also counts as a weakness, his ability to judge a character and what makes them tick is definitely a strength.

Character Weaknesses:  Oh boy, where do I even begin. From the very earliest stages of his life, Kanda has been a realist-- he knows he's in a bad situation, and sees no reason to try and sugar coat it. His harsh tongue and cutting personality tends to make others instinctively dislike him, even if all he's saying is the truth. While this doesn't inherently seem like a weakness, looking back on Kanda's childhood, being a realist means he realizes that because of the strange circumstances around his birth, he is easily replaceable, and puts very little value on his own existence. As such, while he's arrogant and prideful, it doesn't take much to grate against him and get him unreasonably angry.

Despite how quick he is to anger, Kanda does not understand emotions well; his method of comforting others is prompting them with triggering questions or telling them harsh truths to verbally punch them out of their misery. He does not read affection aimed at him well at all; any eyes made at him will be met with a confused glare and nothing more. What emotions he does understand are anger and sorrow, for fairly obvious reasons going over his history. And while he can recognize when love or similarly strong emotions are what drives a person to do certain things, he doesn't understand how they work beyond the very pure (and admittedly powerful) longing he has towards the person he's searching for, and even that is untouched by romantic notions; his memories of her are fragmented, and while the impression he has of her is extremely strong and positive, it doesn't translate into what most will call “love”. He does not understand family, even if he subconsciously treats the science department like a patchwork family, and he most certainly does not understand romance.

More things about his childhood weaken him than just his perception of self-worth, however. Kanda is inherently afraid of making connections; strangers are either out to kill him, use him, or hurt him in some other way. Even those who have proven time and again that they mean him no harm tend to get pushed away; he's afraid that if he allows himself to get close to other people a) they could hurt him in some way unintentionally, and b) since most of those people are soldiers of the Order, the chance of losing them is extremely high. Also, connections with other people mean people who will distract him from his goal: to find “that person” and stay by their side til the end, no matter what. If there are other people he wishes to protect, he runs the risk of losing everything. This is particularly true of other Exorcists, who make targets of themselves to draw out the Akuma. By nature, though, he can't help but care about the people around him, so he hides his caring behind lies, harsh truths and realities, and physical violence.


Kanda also has a crippling weakness towards the very mention of Alma Karma, his childhood friend. Seeing as he thinks he mutilated him enough to where Alma died, hearing Alma's name is enough to make Kanda's sense of reason break down and his feelings drown in rage and anguish. It is theorized that it is because of Alma and the situation around their existences is the reason why Kanda cannot abide hearing his first name; he turns to violence almost immediately whenever someone is bold enough to try, and never introduces himself with it.


What are the abilities that your character will retain in Soul Campaign?

I predict Kanda will have above-average (but not the mutant-extreme) strength from sheer muscle development, and the learned and trained fighting skills that come from his decade of doing nothing but fighting. He should also keep his mental acuity, ability to read other people, and his affinity for logic. These are all things that make up who he is, and probably will not be affected.

What are the weaknesses that your character will lose or gain in Soul Campaign?

Kanda will not lose any weaknesses, and will gain the fear that he will never get back home to resume his search for “that person”. This, plus simple mortality will make him more cautious in everything he does.

Keeping the game’s premise in mind, please give us a brief explanation of your plans for your character in Soul Campaign.

I would like Kanda to learn to place trust in other people and grow as a person. I would also like him to learn how to live again, since he will be separated from the possibility of achieving his specific goal outlined in the D.Gray-Man canon.

If your character has difficulty communicating (or can't communicate at all, e.g., most animal characters), we require you to please elaborate on how you intend to treat this in the game.  N/A


Why your character should be a Meister:  Kanda is a very prideful person who works best when he's in control and thinking on his feet. Though his fighting style might seem reckless, he's good at strategizing on the fly, looking for weaknesses in his opponent's guard and defense. He also would not be suitable as a weapon, as he would absolutely refuse to allow someone to wield him.

Meister Ability:

Soul Repair: This reflects the other half of Kanda's healing ability, and will force him to interact with others if he intends to make use of it.
Soul Freeze: This should be a good selection to reflect Kanda's incredible will and mental focus.
Soul ZZZ: This reflects Kanda's previous healing ability well.


Soul Description:  Independent, irritable, awkward, focused, distant, bitter

Soul Appearance:  http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b392/dnangel_dark4krad/kandasoul.png Picture!


First Person:

[The feed comes on to show frills. Frills, frills, frills, and maybe some fancy bows. It's a closet full of pastel pink, purple, and blue monstrously frilly dresses. It's so frilly, one would think it belonged to a lolita fasionista. An irate young man appears between the feed and the closet. He has long black hair and a face that would be almost femininely beautiful if it weren't for the deep scowl gouging his features. One could almost see the vein in his forehead popping out, he was so angry.]

[His voice is definitely far from feminine, however-- a rich tenor that might sound beautiful singing, but is being wasted yelling at people he doesn't even know.]

Oi! Who the hell stole all my clothes?! I refuse to wear the crap you left in here!! If you don't return them right now, I'm gonna hunt you down. And trust me when I say-- you don't want me at your door.

Third Person:

He thought this was going to be a simple mission. Hit up the graveyard, win over the Innocence from whatever paranormal thing had it this time, and go back. A very simple, straightforward mission. So he'd felt justified in taking a rest when he could, since everything had been going according to plan.

What he saw when he woke up? Was nothing of the sort. This place was positively strange; he'd never seen anything like this before. There was rubble everywhere, reminding him a lot of the battlefields he'd fought on himself-- speaking of which, the reminder causes Kanda to reach down for the comforting hilt of Mugen, looking for anything for defense against this weird place.

Saying he panicked would put it lightly; there was always a weapon at his hip, from the time he was a child. To be caught suddenly in a strange place without one was nothing short of frightening. He had his fists, sure, and a decade of hand to hand combat experience, but if he ran into any Akuma, or worse, any Noah...! Well, he'd be in pretty massive trouble. Kanda took a deep breath. Surely Mugen was around here somewhere; it probably just fell from his belt. He hoped so, though his usual realistic side was quite eager to point out that he was (again) in a foreign place. Surely, if he'd been brought here without warning, whoever brought him would have stripped him of his weapons. After all, if it was him, that'd be the first thing on his list.

It wasn't a comforting thought. He shoved it away and instantly started looking around for the katana. Though, how he was going to find anything in this dark, creepy place was beyond him.


!ooc, !rp: soul campaign

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