[Video][On being a lone canon warrior...]

Mar 15, 2011 10:52

[That stupid bean hadn't been back all day. Not that Kanda was worried or anything, the kid was a fucking social butterfly.]

[It was a bit... concerning weird when he didn't come back for dinner yesterday, though. ...Or breakfast. Or anything.]

[Not that Kanda cared.]

[It was just weird.]

[Just weird being alone again, after getting used to having someone around.]

[And now he was stuck with too much food. Everywhere.]

[So...what was more reasonable than this? There was no way he'd eat all this himself.]

[When Kanda shows up on the video, finally, he doesn't seem sad. Or even angry.]

[Just maybe a little dead inside. And very, very alone.]

...Oi. I made too much food again. ...If you want some, you can take it.

in my own little corner, !rp: vatheon, all alone in my own little chair

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